Anthony Barbera is an author and composer who is inspired by his love of music and literature.
He began his career as a music composer for films and commercials and earned his B.M. in Music Composition from the University of North Carolina School of the Arts. While pursuing his Master’s Degree at the University of Massachusetts, he won numerous awards, one of which was first prize for “Two Songs for Soprano and Orchestra on Poems by Rilke,” performed by the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra.
And yet, Anthony’s passion for literature and writing was unstoppable during that time.... He was hooked after being asked to direct a collection of ambitious teenagers in writing and acting in their first film (X Marks the Spot) for the First Sonoma Film Festival.
In order of publication, Anthony’s novels are ‘Catching Baby Moses,’ ‘The First Rains of October,’ ‘Jonah In the Time of the Kings,’ ‘Assurity: A Space Thriller,’ and 'Izzy The Bernese Mountain Dog.'
His newest biblical historical novel “Elijah, The Man Who Stopped The Rain," is scheduled for release in 2023."
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Elijah: Fire from Heavenby Anthony BarberaPublish: Mar 29, 2025 Series: Mighty Men & Women of the BibleHistorical Fiction Christian Fiction Religion & Spirituality |
Elijah: Fire From Heaven : A Biblical Historical Novel: Book Two of Mighty Men & Women of the Bible (Mighty Men and Women of the Bible)by Anthony BarberaPublish: Mar 27, 2025 Historical Fiction Christian Fiction Religion & Spirituality |
Jonah In the Time of the Kings: A Historical Novelby Anthony BarberaPublish: Oct 29, 2010Series: Prophets of the BibleHistorical Fiction Christian Fiction Religion & Spirituality |
Izzy the Bernese Mountain Dog: A Story for Everyone (Adventures of Izzy)by Anthony BarberaPublish: Oct 25, 2021Action & Adventure Teen & Young Adult Children's Parenting |
Assurity: A Space Thrillerby Anthony BarberaPublish: Nov 12, 2020Series: AssurityThriller Suspense Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Science Fiction Teen & Young Adult more» |
The First Rains of Octoberby Anthony BarberaPublish: Jun 13, 2007Crime Fiction Mystery Women's Fiction Christian Fiction Religion & Spirituality |
Catching Baby Mosesby Anthony BarberaPublish: Sep 30, 2012Crime Fiction African American Interest Teen & Young Adult |
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I read a great deal and in many genres. I enjoy The Bible, sci-fil, westerns, biographies, Biblical biographies, classical fiction, as well as popular fiction. I began reading when my mother bought me a book about a subject I was interested in, scuba diving. I think I was about seven years old. I actually love reading and probably read a book(s) of one sort or another two hours a day.
What inspired you to become a writer?I became tired of writing screenplays and not seeing the result of my labor. I began writing novels and screenplays almost 20 years ago and now have five novels and two screenplays.
You started your career as a music composer. How did you transition from composing music for films and commercials to writing novels?For ten years, I worked in music composition (which I still do). At the same time, I made TV commercials.
What was your strategy while writing your book ‘Izzy the Bernese Mountain Dog?’“Izzy the Bernese Mountain Dog” was inspired by my Bernese Mountain Dog Izzy. I made the cover and illustrated the book with pictures of her which were then illustrated.
Is the character of 13-year-old Norton Ryder based on someone you have met in real life?No. Northon Ryder came about after I first spotted this unique setting from a bridge. A rustic cabin ( I envisioned) was sitting in a wetlands in Northern California and I thought that someone would live there and have an old classic truck. That man was Percy Hawkins, a retired NFL wide receiver who becomes embroiled with a middle-class, 13-year-old abandoned kid named Norton Ryder.
How did your work with ambitious teenagers and directing "X Marks the Spot" at the First Sonoma Film Festival influence your passion for writing and literature?It was great fun and went really well to direct a film with all of those moving parts. See X Marks the Spot:
Your upcoming novel, "Elijah, The Man Who Stopped The Rain," is a biblical historical novel. What motivated you to write about this particular biblical figure, and what can readers expect from the book?Elijah: Fire from Heaven is a drama novel based on the true story of Elijah found in the Bible. The year is now 873 B.C., and Queen Jezebel of Israel has orchestrated the annihilation of a large number of Yahweh’s prophets within the north of Israel. Presided over by Ahab, the king, their unholy plan is to bring Israel under the spiritual control of the forbidden Phoneceian God Baal. One man stands in their way; his name is Elijah the prophet, yet he is now the most hunted criminal in Israel. This is the historical novel of Elijah, the prophet of the Lord of Israel: A Biblical narrative of a world centuries removed from our own—yet terrifyingly similar—to ours.
Writing and composing are both creative outlets. Do you find that your musical background influences your writing style, or vice versa?Yes, I think that music does influence the rhythm of my writing, especially during the last draft of a novel. People have a tone and a tempo to their speech, as should your characters as they speak. I usually listen to classical or film music when I’m writing, except during the last draft when I am listening to my novel instead of writing it.
What advice would you give to aspiring authors and composers who are looking to pursue their creative passions?Find an agent after you have a title and a two-line pitch that is unique.
Many authors have rituals or habits that help them write. What is your writing process like, and do you have any specific routines that aid your creativity?Not really. I write every day, usually 3-4 hours. It can be any time but rarely at night.
Are there any other creative projects or books you have in the works or ideas you'd like to explore in the future?Yes. I always have a new book I’m researching as I finalize the previous one. There will be a second Assurity novel next. There will be one more Izzy Book next year after she has puppies.
How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?Excellent. I believe that AllAuthor provides a very good value for authors.
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