How did your time in the Armed Forces shape your perspectives on patriotism and your writing?
Being in the Armed Forces gave me a perspective I would not have otherwise understood. I learned how to think strategically rather than a ‘knee-jerk’ lifestyle of acting before thinking. I learned the importance of who we are as a nation and a super power across the globe but more importantly I learned about the men and women that gave their lives so that we could live in the freedoms we take for granted but enjoy. With regard to my writing, I wasn’t a writer when I was in the military and I’m glad. Over the years I’ve had the privilege of knowing special operators and learning in real time what defending this country truly costs and that had the biggest impact on my writing. I wanted to be true to the warrior in depicting the pain of discipline in and out of combat and being in the military helped me to understand their mindset more than I can say.
Can you elaborate on how your beliefs in God influence your writing and the themes you explore in your work?
When my daughter of 29 years passed away in my arms in our home my relationship with God had changed drastically. I came face to face with pain no human being should ever have to endure and is, quite frankly as told by a psychologist, the worse pain known to mankind, to which I could not argue. In fact, the first book I ever wrote was a non-fiction book called The Other Side of Grief, which I never intended to market and didn’t. So, after Anna died, I ran into the Father’s arms as I had no other recourse, the pain was just too great. It was through that journey that helped me discover the deep effects of combat veteran’s; a group of men and women that came close to understanding the pain I felt. It was at that time I had become a kindred spirit and I knew I needed to address it somehow. So instead of writing another ‘sappy’ book, to which I begged God NOT to ask me to ever do again, He gave me the story of The Warrior.
As a former restaurateur and French chef, how do you think your culinary experiences enhance your storytelling or character development?
Haha, good question. I think the only way I can answer this is simply the type of discipline and passion it takes to do both. If it weren’t for my military experience and training combined with a ‘never say die’ attitude we develop in the armed forces, I’m not sure I could have made it as far as I did, if I’m honest. I’m not really sure that experience plays that big of a role in my storytelling or character development.
You’re involved in multiple passions, from bodybuilding to writing. How do you balance these interests, and how do they inform one another?
I’m not exactly sure I understand the latter part of the question but I’ll do my best. The content that I write in my books is so intense, if I didn’t have some kind of an outlet to release all the emotion that goes into the story from the characters, I’d be wound ‘tighter than dicks hatband’, no joke. Physical fitness should be part of everyone’s daily regimen even if it’s as simple as going for a walk. It occupies the mind as well as the benefit it gives to the body. Not gonna lie, getting out to the gym is 90% mental and 10% physical; it’s challenging. However, when I don’t or can’t due to travel or some other reason (or excuse, hey, I’m human) it leaves my mind open to all the lies a person deals with concerning physical appearances; and no thank you. I can have the gym without writing but I can’t write without the gym or my head would explode, I think, haha.
What role do you believe patriotism plays in contemporary literature, and how do you convey that in your own work?
Sadly, patriotism doesn’t play as big as role in contemporary literature as it should, but I could be wrong. I say that because there’s such a lack of it amongst our young people. It’s so vitally important to teach our children what ‘love of country’ means, who we are as a nation and as a people and how we got here. When the pledge was taken out of the class room, teaching our children any kind of patriotism left with it and hence the lack of people writing about it. In my books I emphasize the lifestyle of a combat veteran and the struggles that come with giving your all for your country that so many of ‘gen z’s’ don’t understand, through no fault of their own, but rather those that have gone before them simply chose to turn their backs, put their heads in the sand and decided the grass was greener somewhere else. They are sadly mistaken.
Can you walk us through your typical writing process? Do you have specific rituals or environments that inspire you?
I try to be as realistic in this area as I can. If I put myself on a deadline, as I have no one to answer to but God and myself, then I will set appointments with God to write; just as you would set an appointment to see a barber or get a message. I will write the ‘schedule’ of appointments on the calendar, even. I don’t miss those appointments and if I do, I always let Him know and reschedule. I have a specific place called the “Bunker” where I write and spend quiet time with Him. Since my keyboard is my proverbial pulpit, I give it to Him and ask for the story. All my fiction books were written in ‘movie scenes’. I see a scene in my mind, then write it and oft times I’m as surprised at what happens as the reader is, haha – I love that, honestly. Sometimes I’ll see something or hear something while I’m out and about that hits me like a brick and I’ll quickly write it down to use in a particular scene especially if the scene is challenging in terms of emotional verbiage. I’ll sometimes go for a walk or a run to clear my head to get a different perspective about a specific scene or dialogue. This is where the gym comes in handy, haha.
You encourage others to be unapologetic in their beliefs. What advice would you give to those who struggle to express their convictions in today’s society?
If you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
Not sure how else I can say it. How passionate are we in our beliefs? One has to ask themselves this question and be honest: “Do I really believe…..? (whatever they say they stand for). I believe when we truly believe in something and are passionate about it there isn’t anyone on this earth that can sway us in any way. I believe in our country; my whole life I’ve enjoyed the freedoms of our country and when I watch the depressed, bondage that other countries live in and force on their people, I would give my life to keep my people free, right here in my own backyard. So, I ask again, ‘what do we really believe and do we want our children to enjoy the same freedoms we’ve taken so much for granted?
How does your local community in South Carolina influence your writing and business endeavors?
They don’t. I haven’t always lived in South Carolina and even the other places I’ve lived had no influence in The Warrior Series.
As a bodybuilder, how does fitness contribute to your mental clarity and creativity as a writer?
Well, I think I answered that one in question four. At the risk of needing to say it again, fitness plays a significant role in mental clarity. Endorphins are a wonderful thing and when you get them to work for you, there’s no level of anxiety that can take control. Exercise clears the mind and feeds the soul giving mental acuity and strength to keep going.
Where do you draw inspiration for your fiction? Are there particular experiences or events that have deeply influenced your stories?
A good bit of my inspiration comes not only from what I learned out of the grief of losing a child, but from the pain of the combat vets I’ve had the privilege of knowing. I want their experiential stories told – not their personal ones just their experiences because I believe it has an impact on so many others that experience the same thing and don’t know where to turn. I write about the ‘unseen’ realm and follow scripture and the Lord’s guidance in it because it is very real. Without getting ‘preachy’, which is a term I don’t like, I will say that we don’t have to do any of life on our own and we can’t without God. There’s the easy way and the hard way and I depict both in my books. There’s the natural realm and unseen realm and both are very real and people need to be made aware of what they face and how to get through it. My books are not for Christian readers, nor are they religious (another term I despise). It’s about the reality of both worlds and who we are really at war with.
How do your own experiences as a business owner and chef inform the characters you created in your novel, “The Lost Patriots”?
They don’t, really. The Lost Patriots is the second of a consecutive series that has nothing to do with being a business owner as such. The only thing I can say to this question is I created a ‘business’ specific to one of the characters of the book, “Blue Raven Defense Contractors,” (essentially, mercs for hire) in the first book that carries over into the second. If I hadn’t owned a business, that might have been a little more challenging.
As someone who stands firmly for God and country, what are your thoughts on the current societal climate regarding patriotism and faith?
Ooooh, that’s a great question and I appreciate you asking. Not gonna lie, I believe now more than ever because the political climate has changed, there are going to be a lot of other ‘freedoms’ to be released to bring our country back to being a powerful nation. But more importantly, I’m excited at the possibility of teaching our children what it means to love our country by watching those around them stand up and take back the core values we started with as a nation. I believe there are those now that are rising up unafraid to stand for what they believe and give honor to God for the privilege to do so. Only good things can come from a country that stands united.
How does spending time with loved ones, whether on the back deck or in the gym, influence your work and overall outlook on life?
Family is what life is all about. Without family, what else is there? This is what I was talking about earlier when I talked about enjoying the freedoms we have as a people. When I’m on my back deck hanging out with my kids and grandkids, I have an opportunity to sow into my grands about our country and all the good things she stands for. I get the privilege to instill in them a love of country they wouldn’t get anywhere else. I raised my kids to love our country and what it means to honor the fallen and to respect those that have served and still serve. Words, like honor and respect live in our home and spending time with family gives me the opportunity to pass it down to my grandchildren. I spend every Wednesday morning at 0800 with my grandson and we talk about these things. What’s exciting about this time with him as he absolutely loves this book series and has contributed quite a bit to them. He dreams bigger than I do, most times and it has had a huge impact on the freedom I’ve been able to enjoy writing them.
Are there any upcoming projects or themes you’re excited to explore in your writing?
Well, as of this writing, I’m currently working on the third and final book of The Warrior Series entitled The Warrior’s Blade. It is the epic finale of good vs. evil that has been incredible to write, so far. Not sure where God will have me go from here. I’ve no doubt in my heart this series will be on the big screen as a movie series. I don’t know when or how, I only know that He is able. So, perhaps some screenwriting is in the near furture.
When did you join AllAuthor? What has your experience been like?
I joined July 28, 2024. I wasn’t sure what AllAuthor was about but I was desperate to get the books out there so I was climbing aboard every media outlet there was to get the word out – it’s such a good story.
AllAuthor has gone above and beyond any expectations I had in my limited understanding of who you are and what you do. After the banners started going out, I was so thrilled. Then, when the first 10 book descriptions came out, they literally took my breath away, honestly, then the next month’s came out and I was beside myself at the level of professionalism that went into each of the 10 blurbs – that was one of the things I loved the most as I’ve not had anything of that caliber to market this series, ever.
So, thank you for all you do. I’m in need of a good publicist to help me market the series and so far, you all have been exemplary. Thank you so much and thank you so much for this interview. It was such a joy to be involved!!!