About Author

Zach Thomas

Zach Thomas

I'm am adult novelist of 5 books. I was born and raised in East Tennessee. I am married to my wonderful, loving husband, Mark.

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  • The Dockmaster Paradox

    1 The Dock Master's Daughter - Published on Nov, 2020

Zach Thomas Interview On 10, Jun 2021

"Zach Thomas was first intrigued by the idea of being a writer at the age of five. He grew up with a songwriter father and a Kindergarten teacher for a mother. He finished his first book at nineteen. His last two books have covered his views on hazing/suicide and his compassionate outlook and love for the LGBTQIA+ community of which he is a devoted member. He has always been a dreamer and his dream has always been to become a best-selling novelist."
Tell us about your life and your struggles.

I started writing, or at least being intrigued by the idea of being a writer at the age of five. My father is the one to be solely commended for always having my back with the truest words of encouragement. I grew up with a songwriter father and a Kindergarten teacher for a mother. Everyone on my mom's side of the family were part of the dysfunctional sect, the critics; the ones who saw me as the damned fool of the family who chose this passion, my calling, over a life of inevitable, foreseeable regret of only working a "good-paying" job. At the age of twenty-three, I was faced with something that could label me a failure, in their eyes, or could prove to be a stepping stone to greater things for me. I was home alone, both of my parents were at their respectful jobs, and I checked the mail. Perusing through the mail, I found an envelope addressed to me. I opened it , only to discover it was a letter of academic dismissal from the community college I was currently enrolled in. Sure, it was a gut punch of reality and I knew it was definitely not a talking point to bring up in the company of my parents, especially my mom. Still, I pushed forward, with failure in the background, and discovered who I was meant to be in life. Currently, though, I would have to say my greatest struggle is being a gay man living in a stringently, conservative Christian household, who hold to a caustic homophobia, that writes stories that gay characters playing the main and secondary roles. Still, no matter how many times I write these books and stories, the reality of coming out to the belligerently conservative side of my family scares the hell out of me.

What does the word “story” signify for you?

The word "story" signifies, for me, the reality of crafting one's own pain into a beautiful masterpiece to help others along the way. To me, story, in itself, signifies the vehicle by which a writer speaks their truth to the innumerable masses.

For a beginner, which novel of Stephen King should he/she read first?

Misery or Pet Semetary

What was your favorite part, and your least favorite part, of the publishing journey?

Favorite Part: Getting there and gaining respect as a legitimate writer. Least favorite part: Putting up with all the publishing scams.

How passionate are you about writing?

Extremely. Being passionate is the key to doing anything well.

How did you come up with the plot of your novel, The Dock Master's Daughter?

My fiance told me to write something totally different from my previous three books, otherwise he was not going to read anything else I wrote.

While choosing the name for your character, Charles Reed, what aspects did you consider that determined what you finally called him?

I don't know... I just come up with names and go with the one that fits. Lol.

How do you choose which stories to tell?

I tell the stories which flow best for me. If it hits a brick wall, starting out, I toss it. Starting out I wanted to emulate other writers, but now I keep up with social issues and usually put my spin on them. My last two books have covered my views on hazing/suicide and my compassionate outlook and love for the LGBTQIA+ community of which I am a devoted member.

Who is the first person to read the first draft of your books?

My fiance

What mistakes do new writers often make in their writing?

They often start out trying to imitate the masters and end up writing too fast. They often don't go in committed to put in the hard work, long nights, and dedication it takes to become the best writer they can be.

What is the most crucial component when writing a supernatural suspense novel?

Keeping it believable.

If you are a fan of the author John Irving, which of his books do you like the best?

It's a tie between A Widow for One Year and In One Person. Both of those heavily shaped me as a writer and my outlook on people and life.

Do you have a “reader” in mind while writing?

Yes, four, my fiance, my friend, Jessica, and my pastor and his wife.

Are you writing a novel? What's it about?

No, I'm still thinking about it.

How has your experience with AllAuthor been?

It's been really great. It's like the family I've always wanted with fellow writers.

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