About Author

Tiye Love

Tiye Love

I recalled reading romance ever since I was a young child and would sneak and read the Western love stories my grandmother kept on her bedside table. Although I didn’t understand half of the words I read at the time, something about those books captured my attention. As I grew older, my love of romance expanded to other genres, and I became a fan of anything remotely related to reading and books, such as libraries, bookstores, and the coffee shop around the corner. I love to travel and have lived in several cities, including New Orleans, Washington D.C., and Houston and finds inspiration for my stories from every place I’ve had the fortune to visit or inhabit.
I want my readers to escape their realities and embark on a journey of self-exploration and love when they delve into my books. I’ve loved reading fiction, thrillers, and romance for years. Although my original (and still) writing interest was YA and self-help books, I received a surprise text one Valentine's Day and wrote the very first chapter of a romance novel that day. And I became forever inspired to write spicy love stories - with a twist.

Tiye Love's Books

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The Essence of You Trilogy Box Set
$0.99 kindleeBook,
The Essence of You Trilogy Box Setby Tiye LovePublish: Aug 27, 2020Contemporary Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction African American Interest
The Escape (A Novella) (The Escape Trilogy Book 1)
$0.99 kindleeBook,
The Escape (A Novella) (The Escape Trilogy Book 1)by Tiye LovePublish: Oct 30, 2019Contemporary Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction African American Interest
The Aftermath (The Escape Trilogy Book 3)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
The Aftermath (The Escape Trilogy Book 3)by Tiye LovePublish: Feb 28, 2020Contemporary Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction African American Interest
The Holiday Season
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The Holiday Seasonby TiyeContemporary Romance

Tiye Love's Series in Order

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Ask Tiye Love a Question

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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • If you could choose three people to invite for a dinner party, who would they be and why?
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      • Tiye Love Tiye Love 4 years ago
      • Chadwick Boseman because knowing that he found out he had cancer and battled it four years all while holding his head high with grace and class, makes him a real superhero to me. Michelle Obama because she is not only the epitome of black womanhood but a human being period. And Michael B. Jordan...loving the way he is using his platform to address social injustices and it doesn't hurt to have a hot man sitting across from me...
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    • AllAuthor AllAuthor 4 years ago
    • Have you ever incorporated something that happened to you in real life into your novels?
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      • Tiye Love Tiye Love 4 years ago
      • I take a little bit of my life into each story...I am always using my experiences to guide my writing as most writers do
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      • Tiye Love Tiye Love 4 years ago
      • Yes. Both fuel me to do better. I use what the bad ones say if I think it is constructive criticism and ignore the ones I feel like are hateful.
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      • Tiye Love Tiye Love 4 years ago
      • I like to write realistically and since I am not a man, I try to write from what I think a man would think, say, or do. I often wonder does it sound authentic.
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