About Author

Tom Davis

Tom Davis
  • Genre:

    Action & Adventure Fantasy
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Retired
  • Born: 1 October
  • Member Since: Dec 2022
  • Profile Views: 6,615
  • Followers: 130
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, Linkedin,

Tommy was born in Hertfordshire, England, Grew up with the Beatles, moved to USA in 1976, to Dallas, Texas, moved around the states, now living in Nevada with his wife April, Toms first book Asim's extraordinary journeys, all for the children, followed by book 2 the rogue elephants of Ghant.Asim’s Extraordinary journeys continue on

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  • Asim’s Extraordinary journeys

    1 Asim's Extraordinary Journeys - Published on Dec, 2022

Tom Davis Interview On 31, Oct 2023

"Tommy, a British-born author with a deep love for music and adventure, embarked on a life-changing journey when he relocated to the USA in 1976. He wandered through various states before settling in Nevada with his wife, April. Tommy's passion for storytelling shines through his first book, "Asim's Extraordinary Journeys," and its sequel, "The Rogue Elephants of Ghant," both enchanting tales for children, where Asim's adventures know no bounds."
Can you tell us more about your childhood in Hertfordshire, England, and how it may have influenced your writing?

I lived in a small village in England, called Tewin. In Hertfordshire about 24 miles from London. With my grandmother and grandfather, everyone knew everyone, a friendly place. All my schooling was done in England. I did read a lot of Tolkien and Wind in the Willows plus Rupert. Comic pretty much all, did have an attraction to Greek mythology.

Growing up with the Beatles must have been an interesting experience. How did their music or cultural impact affect your life and creative process?

I played soccer mainly, including semi-professionals. It was a time when music and fashion changed. With the influence of the Beatles. A time of mods and rockers. My outlook and clothing changed, it seemed music changed, and the young in England woke up, with pirate radio stations evolving to fight with the BBC to get pop music out.

What motivated your decision to move to the USA in 1976, and what led you to settle in Dallas, Texas?

I was motivated in 76. Basically, there was a slight recession starting in the country. I had recently got divorced. My mother whom I did not live with was English and divorced my father who was American when I was 7. I had previously spent 4 early years in the USA. From 3-7. Thought it a good idea to live with my father for a while in a new country, in Dallas Texas. It was a culture shock.

Are there any authors or books that have had a significant influence on your writing style or storytelling?

I would have to say, Tolkien and Grahame. We’re authors I liked and maybe Carroll.

Your first book, "Asim's Extraordinary Journeys," is described as being for children. What inspired you to write children's books, and what themes or messages do you aim to convey through them?

Actually, Asim’s Extraordinary Journeys - All for the Children is not exactly a children’s book but a Y/A. It is about the kidnapping of children and a search and rescue of sorts. Total Action and Adventure.

"The Rogue Elephants of Ghant" is the second book in the series. Can you share a bit about the storyline and what readers can expect from this installment?

Book 2, The Elephants is Ghant is more about the ivory trade. This book is currently about to be re-released. Another Action and Adventure is about Asim and his warriors trying to stop the killing of tribesmen, and elephants, and stop the ivory trade.

How do you approach the writing process for your "Asim's Extraordinary Journeys" series? Do you have a specific target audience in mind when you write?

My target audience is young adults but my books are friendly for any age.

How do you balance your writing with other aspects of your life, such as family and personal interests?

My writing only started when I retired from the workforce.

Is there a particular message or lesson that you hope young readers take away from your books?

My message in my books is simple Good always triumphs over evil. Although it’s not always easy.

Could you provide some insights into your life in Nevada with your wife April? How does your current environment influence your writing?

I have lived and settled down with my wife April. We have lived in Las Vegas for the past 15 years. 2 dogs a cat and 8 fish right now I’m enjoying retired life and will have more in a couple of years when April retires. The weather here is great.

Can you give us a glimpse into your plans for the future of the "Asim's Extraordinary Journeys" series? Will there be more adventures for Asim and the readers to look forward to?

Plans for the future, I am re-releasing. Books 2, 3, and 4. Books 5 and 6 are written and will be released probably next year.

When did you join AllAuthor? What do you think of the experience so far? Do you have any feedback?

I have had an enjoyable experience with AllAuthor. A great way to get my books seen. And love the book cover program.

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