About Author

Trisha Harley McCarthy

Trisha Harley McCarthy
  • Genre:

    Thriller Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 4
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 8 June
  • Member Since: Sep 2019
  • Profile Views: 29,710
  • Followers: 122
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Website, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon,

Trisha Harley McCarthy is a certified Life Coach and prolific romance author specializing in fantasy, paranormal and contemporary genres.

Loving history, Trisha was captivated by being introduced to historical romance then became enamored with contemporary romance novels. Coming across fan-fiction and falling in love with the concept, Trisha began writing stories about characters in her favorite movie, Bridget Jones's Diary. After receiving several positive reviews, she caught the writing bug and published her first standalone novel, Just As He Is, A Romance in 2012 followed by the Astral Realm Series, Written Among the Stars and sequel Beneath the stars released in 2014.

In 2015, release of Dimensions, a paranormal romance novel featuring other world encounters takes the readers on a fantastic journey of ordinary collides with extraordinary. Also, in a new direction, Trisha also wrote Indescribably Blue. a fictional account based on Elvis Presley's death hoax conspiracy.

On a personal note, Trisha resides in Independence, Oregon with her husband Michael and their rescued chocolate lab, Elle. In her spare time, Trisha loves spending time on social media, travelling and reading her favorite authors!

Visit her Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/trishaharleymccarthy

Trisha Harley McCarthy's Books

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Accidentally in Love: A Granite Bay Series
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Accidentally in Love: A Granite Bay Seriesby Trisha Harley McCarthyPublish: Nov 21, 2017Series: Granite Bay Series Book 1Contemporary Romance
$2.99 kindleeBook,
Dimensionsby Trisha Harley McCarthyPublish: Aug 01, 2015Paranormal Romance
Eye Shine: Something is in the woods
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Eye Shine: Something is in the woodsby Trisha Harley McCarthyPublish: May 07, 2019Paranormal Romance
Falling Accidentally in Love (A Granite Bay Series)
$0.99 kindleeBook,
Falling Accidentally in Love (A Granite Bay Series)by Trisha Harley McCarthyPublish: Feb 10, 2018Series: Granite Bay Series Book 2Romantic Suspense

Trisha Harley McCarthy's Series in Order

It's exciting to find a book series to follow! Discover the whole new world of book series created by Trisha Harley McCarthy.
** Also, there might be other book series by Trisha Harley McCarthy not listed on AllAuthor.

  • Granite Bay Series Book 1

    1 Accidentally in Love: A Granite Bay Series - Published on Nov, 2017
  • Granite Bay Series Book 2

    1 Falling Accidentally in Love (A Granite Bay Series) - Published on Feb, 2018

Trisha Harley McCarthy Interview On 02, Mar 2020

"Trisha Harley McCarthy has an ingenious way of telling a story. Trisha is a genius with character creation and doesn’t hesitate in delving into the darkest corners of the human psyche. She goes into great detail which involves the reader and makes reading her books an extra enjoyable experience."
Tell us a few things about your early life or childhood. Who was your role model as a child?

My early childhood wasn't ideal. I learned at an early age to rely upon myself. I was rather shy and withdrawn. My role model was my older sister, Shelley. She was the only one who looked out for me and still is to this day.

Have you always wanted to be a writer? When did you first realize you wanted to be an author?

I love this question. Funnily enough, I had several people tell over the years I should write a book though I never really enjoyed writing at all. My high school creative writing teacher encouraged me to write since he said I had a real talent unbeknownst to me at the time.

How did you come across fan-fiction and fell in love with the concept?

When I first saw the movie Bridget Jones's Diary, I became obsessed with everything about the characters, the story line and the love story. I scoured the internet about articles, interviews and came across fan fiction and people writing the continuing the story. I was hooked and began my own odyssey into the world of fan fiction and began writing my a story entitled British Invasion. Low and behold, I actually received encouraging reviews which blew me away. At some point, it prompted me to consider writing my very first book, entitled Just As He Is. I began this standalone in 2009 and published in 2012. I sold 50 copies

How did you begin writing stories about characters in your favorite movie, Bridget Jones's Diary?

Honestly, I'm fascinated by everything British. The language, the culture and especially the humor! To this day, I'm intrigued by authors who are from the UK. Their brand of writing strikes a chord with me. As I mentioned earlier, everything about Bridget Jones spoke to me as a singleton at the time.

What challenges did you face to publish your first standalone novel, Just As He Is?

I didn't know a thing about writing! I had to learn everything including dialogue, story and plot lines, character development and sentence structure! I was a real rookie. I actually opened books to see how the author would write paragraphs as an example to follow.

How did you begin writing A Granite Bay Series? Do you find it more challenging to write the first book in a series or to write the subsequent novels?

The GBS was inspired by the small town I moved to in Oregon. I knew I wanted to write contemporary romance and the series of characters became engaging and each couple received their own story thus the GBS was born. The entire series flowed so I didn't have much of a challenge other than marketing the series which is a real talent for any indie author!

What is the best think about writing Contemporary Romance? Do you have any favourite authors of this genre?

I am fascinated by relationships and the angst of love stories. Contemporary romance is the perfect setting for my books. I have several favorite authors! Among them are ML Broome, Maria Luis, Ella Fields and J. Bengtsson to name a new. Each and everyone one are brilliant storytellers.

Who inspired the character of Ty Montgomery, a cute and feisty blonde veterinary technician student in "Falling Accidentally in Love"?

I have to say there is a bit of me in that character. She is vulnerable yet feisty a bit like me. Though, I haven't been involved in her adventures aside from writing them! With any character development like Ty, an image pops into my mind so I get a good visual of them since I'm a very visual writer!

How much did you research to introduce spiritual concepts in your book, "Dimensions"?

I have always been a spiritual person and immersed myself in the subject matter because I am passionate about all aspects of spirituality. I always incorporate a spiritual theme into most of my books.

What is something that most people don’t know about being an author?

From the outside looking in most think it's a glamorous and exciting life. While at times that is true, it's the other aspects such as social media presence, marketing and promotions, the edit process or the long hours of writing people never get a chance to see. As an Indie Author you need to be a jack of all trades and learning all the time to keep up with the current trends, algorithms of different platforms and mastering technology.

What do you like doing apart from writing? What are some of your other interests?

I love to read, travel, watch classic television, write, do graphic design and workout.

What is the weirdest thing you've ever googled for research for one of your books?

Giggle. I read this book that mentioned a website called YouPorn. I thought it was a fake name but turns out it's a very real website! Blush.

How do you keep your books from getting dull? What are awesome tips for brainstorming that you use?

I have a story consultant, Shanda. She is an amazing collaborator, friend and inspiration. I call her up and we chat about each chapter I'm going to write. She then reads it before I send out to my beta readers and provides constructive feedback which I need. It's a beautiful arrangement. I couldn't do it without her!

What book ideas are you currently working on?

My current book is entitled Taboo. Its about the complicated relationship between a couple that breaks up over the issue my lead character Tora's obsession with conceiving a child laced with dark undertones. I anticipate it being completed by summer with a release in my dark romance anthology being published in the fall of 2020.

What was your first impression of AllAuthor? Have your thoughts changed much since?

I was first introduced to AllAuthor via voting in the monthly cover contest. Then I entered my cover of On Ice, A Hockey Romance that made it to the third round. I have since enjoyed your mock banners and your Tweets of my books! Love your site!

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