What city/town did you grow up in? What is the earliest memory you can remember?
I grew up in Lewes Sussex, England and my earliest memory is of the Lewes Fireworks which are a huge event held on Guy Fawkes Night the 5th of November every year.
As a child, what were you most passionate about?
I have always been fascinated by history and the amazing stories which abounded in the past.
Saving animals and animal welfare is still a massive priority in my life.
How did your friends and family react to your first book?
My husband is hugely supportive, but wider family and friends are not interested in my romances. I don’t tend to talk to them about my writing.
What motivated you to write your first story? What was it about and do you still have the first copy you wrote?
I have been scribbling stories since I was a child. I was fascinated by American independence and the battle fought for American freedom from Britain. I began to write a romance surrounding the marriage of an American trader and an English Lady of English aristocracy set in the restless lead up to this event.
It was first published as The Adventures of Linnet Wainright and later re written and re titled Her Match Her Mate Her Master with the same publisher.
It is poorly edited and I would love the opportunity to re write the book and have it edited properly by a good editor.
Where do you stand on the traditional publishing vs self-publishing front?
I have used both methods, but if the publisher proves trustworthy, I prefer to go down the traditional route.
What was the first job you ever held?
I had a Saturday job when I was still at school selling hand made chocolates in a kiosk at the local cinema. After leaving school I trained in community nursing and became a Health Visitor.
Can you tell us a little bit about your book "Her Arizona Daddy Dom" and the revolving themes in this story?
This is a multi-author series called Stateside Doms and is published by Red Hot Romance Inc. My book, Her Arizona Daddy-Dom is about a young woman named Hildy Shanley.
She is not just a horse whisperer, but an animal whisperer too. She is also, sweet, innocent, trusting and a Little at heart. Her parents are deceased and a distant cousin is taking advantage of her. She meets Nate when she gets injured on his property while trying to collect a bull on her own. Nate is immediately drawn to her, and his brother and sister-in-law are quickly fond of Hildy too. While Hildy recuperates at Nate's ranch, her animal skills are discovered more entirely and her cousin is found to be even more nefarious than first realized. It all wraps up in the end, and Hildy has her HEA.
Are there any scenes in the book, Her Wayward Earl that have been inspired by your own experiences?
I was an adopted child which gives me insight into my character becoming a step-mother and to her stepchildren’s tangled emotions.
How many books do you plan to write in Stateside Doms series?
I have another book with the publisher which is due out in a month or so. It is called New Hampshire Snow Daddy. The tale is set in the stunning location of the White mountains of New Hampshire. It has a good mix of romance, mystery, excitement and heat!
When writing novels, is it better to have daily time-spent-writing goals or words-written goals?
I prioritise my family first and so I write when I can. Like so many authors nowadays I probably spend more time promoting my work than I do actually writing!
Many authors like to base stories off of their own life events, but are there some things from your life that you would never write about?
My family, my husband and my adoption experience.
What kind of scenes do you find harder to write than the rest (romance, action, mystery, etc)?
I would love to be able to write a really good murder mystery, but I have trouble hurting my characters. I do try but mostly they suffer emotionally rather than physically!
What has been the most fun part of your journey as an author? Can you share one experience you had that entirely changed the way you think about the book industry?
Getting to know my readers and fellow authors has been amazing. I have made some good friendships with many of them. Holding my published book in my hands is a fabulous feeling which never grows old!
What book ideas are you currently working on?
A shifter tale about a wolf shifter family centred in Ireland. I also have a Viking tale in the early stages.
Since you joined AllAuthor in 2015, would you say that this website has changed for the better or worse or not at all? Is there anything else you would like to add?
I very much like AllAuthor. I love the personal touches like being contacted to take part in cover competitions and promotions. I also love the creative side helping me to make my own promotions for social media.
I would love to see AllAuthor introduce an advanced reader service.