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Victoria Danann

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    BestSelling Author

New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author

Over three million books sold.

Eighteen times Amazon #1 bestseller


"Victoria Danann is Queen of Alpha Males!" - Slashed Reads.

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Victoria Danann Interview On 18, Feb 2019

"Growing up in Fort Worth, Texas under little supervision helped Victoria Danann to develop adventurous spirit and lots of self-confidence. Her time with Roadhouse was the best of her life. The first paranormal book that made a lasting impression was Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. After doing a podcast for over two years interviewing authors, she learned that she is too different for personal processes to be effective for others. She plans to continue Knights of Black Swan through at least two more generations. For Victoria, starting a new book is the most challenging part of being an author. The author advises to not do critique groups. Listen to your own voice."
Where did you spend most of your childhood? Which is your favorite childhood memory?

Fort Worth, Texas. Unlike today, there was little supervision. Our parents really didn’t know where we were or what we were doing. The result was an adventurous spirit and lots of self-confidence.

You are a classically trained musician who defected to Classic Rock. How has the experience been playing with Roadhouse, the very best in Classic Rock?

My time with Roadhouse was the best of my life. There’s nothing like playing with the best musicians anywhere who happen to love the same music.

While writing Solomon’s Sieve, did you ever expect it to win the award of Best Vampire Novel? What did you feel when you received the award?

I always expect every new book to flop and feel like I’ve gotten away with something if it doesn’t.

What makes the paranormal romance genre special to you? Do you remember the first paranormal novel you read and what it was about?

The first paranormal book that made a lasting impression was Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. It was not romantic. There’s a lot to love about paranormal romance and male protagonists who are human plus.

When it comes to writing a Science Fiction, what are some of your top tips?

It’s really impossible to confine my non-contemporary books to one genre cleanly. Most fit into paranormal or scifi or fantasy. I don’t do tips. After doing a podcast for over two years interviewing authors, I learned that I’m too different for personal processes to be effective for others. So I don’t do tips.

You also co-host the popular ROMANCE BETWEEN THE PAGES podcast. What it is like working with Riley J. Ford and interviewing the biggest names in romance every week?

It was a marvelous experience and I learned a lot.

Who was the inspiration behind the character Dashiell Fonteneau? What did you love most about writing his character?

I don’t know where characters come from. What I loved about Dash was how much he loved his witch.

Do you think you will add another book to the Knights of Black Swan series? If so, what are some new twists and turns we can expect? If not, may we ask why?

I plan to continue Knights of Black Swan through at least two more generations. Twists and turns are secret.

Which vampire stories inspired the book "Moonlight"? What about this book are you most proud of?

Moonlight is one of my books that keeps a lot of balls in the air at once. It’s mostly about a werewolf king, but then there are also the immortal teenage vamps who turn Black Swan into a frat house, not to mention Litha’s extrememly unusual pregnancy. What I’m most proud of is the fact that people say, “I never saw that coming,” about a certain event.

How important do you think is the cover of a book? Out of all your book covers, which one is your favorite and why?

Crucial. I take a lot of care in designing the covers and change them if I think they’re not getting the job done. I think my favorite is the R. Caine High School, Books 1-3 cover, which is an illustration.

You have won several awards for your books. Which is the best award winning moment for you and why?

The best award was the first time Black Swan won Best Paranormal Romance Series. So far as I’m concerned, it just doesn’t get better than that.

Do you agree that, along with talent, sometimes a writer needs a little luck to be successful?

When authors were dependent on publishing house gatekeepers to get their work out into the world, they needed a lot of luck, but that’s not true now. Anyone can publish and, though it might take time, eventually good books will be discovered by readers and rise above the melee.

What is the most challenging part about being an author?

Starting a new book.

What is the one thing you feel has helped you shape into a writer? What advice would you give to somebody who is writing his/her first book?

Don’t do critique groups. Listen to your own voice.

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