What is one lesser-known fact about your childhood?
I’m a refugee immigrant with my family
What was your biggest dream as a child? Did it ever come true?
I wanted to be the next Britney Spears – and no, it definitely did not come true.
How did you begin your career in life insurance?
It was my first internship while in college.
What developed your passion for financial planning?
When I was younger, a close family member asked me to take a look at his financial life (I was about 16). I, of course, knew nothing about financial planning because it’s never taught in school. I brought it all to my social studies teacher at the time, who took a look and basically told me – in no uncertain terms, that my family member was taken advantage of. Someone sold him too many annuities, across too little in assets, that all performed terrible and were terrible investments. I did A LOT of research and became fascinated with why this was allowed to happen in the US. I thought any advice given my professionals was automatically good advice. I became obsessed with being the person who would make sure everyone’s family was taken care of and helping them evaluate and unravel any bad financial situations they may be in.
When did you realize that money matters a lot?
Growing up – money meant opportunity or poverty. Growing up as a refugee immigrant, you do everything possible to make sure you stay out of poverty.
What challenges did you face while writing the book, Money Matters: Everything You Should Have Learned in School, but Didn't!?
Editing – I absolutely despise editing.
Why is it important to be financially independent?
Because it gives you choices. Financial dependence is the worst kind because it keeps you locked in any situation and makes it impossible to leave. Money is a potential escape route.
Audiobook vs e-book vs printed book, which one do you prefer and why?
I’m old school, I like printed books and I keep a great collection of some of my favorites.
What is the #1 book that you would recommend to a just licensed life and health insurance agent?
Unshakeable by Tony Robbins
How would you describe your experience of being a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER?
It’s been amazing! I get to help people align their resources to make their dreams come true.
Criticism, whether constructive or otherwise is part and parcel of any art form. How do you deal with reviews of your books- both positive and negative?
I try to incorporate any negative feedback into my next book and think of it as a learning opportunity. With positive reviews, I try to think of how I could do more of it in my next books!
What is more important, peace of mind or money?
Money can give you peace of mind. EVERYTHING in the world has a cost. Without money… you don’t have food. Peace of mind would be the last thing on your mind when you don’t know when your next meal is coming from.
What is the best lesson you have learned being in the finance industry for over a decade?
The ethics and morals of your professionals and who you work with are MORE important than any recommendations or stock proposals or tech tools or anything. Ethics drive everything.
What are your plans for the future as a writer? Are you working on anything new?
I’m currently working on my third book aimed to address financial issues that the sandwich generation is facing.
How has been your experience working with AllAuthor?
It’s been okay, I’m sure there are things I don’t know about and haven’t used.