About Author

Victoria Anders

Victoria Anders

I don't consider myself a writer; I'm a storyteller. Ever since I can remember, I've had all sorts of stories running through my head. Those stories went haywire when my daughter started high school. And what is more fun that writing about high school escapades? I'm super excited to share those stories with you.

Originally a born and bred Atlanta chick, I currently reside in the land of sunshine and barely a winter just north of Tampa, Florida with my hubby and two crazy barking dogs. If you sneeze, then you miss the one day we MAY have temperatures around freezing. And yes, I ... do talk with a southern drawl.

Growing up, I hated English. I think it's because my English teachers never cared for me. However, I thoroughly enjoyed yearbook staff: writing crazy copy while eating Krystal hamburgers and designing layouts with pica rulers and grease pencils. I found my true writing self in college, but didn't start venturing down that path until many years later. I love designing books (covers and interiors) as much as I love writing them.
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Victoria Anders Interview On 20, Jul 2021

"YA author of the My Life series, Victoria Anders was a bit of a tomboy in her youth. She has been writing since high school, mainly poetry back then. She has worked as a freelance graphic designer and marketing consultant. My Life as Marlee was the first book she became fully invested in as a writer. She works from home for Jera Publishing, a service provider for small publishers and indie authors."
What’s your happiest memory from childhood?

I was a bit of a tomboy in my youth, mainly because I was the only girl living on a street full of boys. Playing outside from the time I got home until after dark is a great memory from my childhood.

Do you remember the first book you ever wrote?

I've wrote several parts of books here and there. Mainly contemporary romance books. One or two chapters. But never fully invested in writing until I started writing young adult books. My Life as Marlee was the first book I became fully invested in as a writer. Once I got past four or so chapters, I knew I found the genre I wanted to write in. My Life as Marlee wound up being the third book I released because I took more time perfecting it.

Are you a "re-reader" or are you a "read-it-once-and-I'm done" person?


How long have you been writing and what inspired you to become a writer?

I've been writing since high school, mainly poetry back then. BUT I always had complete stories in my head. I was tired of the stories just being in my head so I decided to start putting them on paper.

In what ways do you try to better understand the craft of writing?

Honestly, I just go with it. In the past, I've bogged myself down with trying to learn how to write. But no more. I just let it flow and it comes naturally.

Do you relate to the character of Kelsey from "My Life as Kelsey"?

Most definitely. Out of all the characters I've created, Kelsey is the most like me when I was in my youth. Poor. Living in a trailer.

While choosing a name for your character, what aspects do you consider that determines what you finally call them?

The names come to me. And I go with it. I've changed a few minor character names but usually stick to the original name for my main characters.

Do you have a “reader” in mind while writing?

Yes, myself!

Why did you name your series, My Life Series?

We get to take a peek at the lives of teenagers in the My Life series. Coming of age tales, usually with romance. They're about life -- hence My Life.

Non-fiction writers may go to the library or buy a history book for research for their work. What kind of research do you have to do as a fantasy writer? Would you say it's harder or easier?

Not a fantasy writer although I do have a few speculative stories roaming around in my head. I think it's easier to write fiction over nonfiction. I don't need to do a ton of research as it's fiction. I can make everything up!

How many books do you plan to write in the Merryville High series?

I have one more book to write in the Merryville series.

Of all the stories you've related to your readers, which of these is your favourite to tell, especially at parties or gatherings?

My latest book, Stop My Bleeding Heart, is definitely the favorite. It's a complex story with many subplots woven carefully throughout. Throw in the fairytale retelling of Snow White, it's a definite conversation book.

According to you, what is the perfect setting for a peaceful and fruitful writing session?

Sitting at my desk with no interruptions from the hubs or the pup. A deep mind music playlist on. Diet Dr. Pepper to drink and Lemonheads and RedHots to eat.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

For the My Life series alone, I have plans for at least 8 more books. One of them, My Life as Dallas, will loosely be based on my daughter's life of being a soccer player in her youth then having a career ending injury when she was in college.

When did you join AllAuthor? How has your experience been?

Unfortunately, I haven't played around with it enough. I look forward to spending the next few months that are left in my subscription utilizing it more.

My biggest experience has been in the cover design contests. Somewhat disappointed as it seems to be more of a popularity contest than a great design cover contest (speaking as a graphic designer for thirty years, with 11 years working in the publishing world). So many beautiful covers are left out after the first round because of this. I'm usually underwhelmed with the actual winners.

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