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Walter Broach

Walter Broach
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    Advice & How To General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Author
  • Born: 26 February
  • Member Since: Aug 2023
  • Profile Views: 2,458
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I write about the basic or fundamental energy of the universe. I call this energy spiritual energy. This energy is everywhere and includes the essence of all people. I write about how you can use this spiritual energy to improve your life in every way and how you are always affected by this energy. It is about living spiritually without needing to join any religion. We are spiritual beings using physical bodies while we live on Earth.

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About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joy
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joyby Walter E. Broach MLS PhDPublish: Apr 15, 2021Series: Spiritual EnergyAdvice & How To General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

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  • Spiritual Energy

    1 About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joy - Published on Apr, 2021

Walter Broach Interview On 09, Apr 2024

"Walter Broach is an insightful writer who delves into the essence of the universe's fundamental energy. In his profound writings, Walter elucidates how individuals can harness spiritual energy to enhance every facet of their lives, transcending traditional religious boundaries. With a compelling perspective on spirituality, Walter guides his readers on a journey to embrace their true spiritual nature while navigating earthly realities."
What inspired you to delve into the exploration of spiritual energy as the fundamental essence of the universe?

It was natural. When I was 8 years old, I underwent baptism and a few weeks later I saw a movie starring William Bendix, where the hero died, and the movie showed a cloudlike apparition floating out of his stomach area into the heavens. I didn't really understand what it was, only that it was his soul. I've been curious about what our souls were ever since then.

I'm retired now and I do lots of research on different subjects when I stumbled across the subject of basis energy systems. That did it. It went deeper and still is getting deeper. Most of my research comes from what science has discovered.

Can you explain the concept of spiritual energy in simple terms for those who may not be familiar with the idea?

Yes, it's simple. Spiritual energy is the invisible and nonmaterial energy from which all other energy and matter in the universe is formed.

How did you come to the realization that spiritual energy is everywhere and encompasses the essence of all individuals?

Just asking questions. I am an extremely curious person, and I was bound to ask this question, eventually. But there has to be something that is fundamental or basic and this just makes common sense.

How do you differentiate between spiritual energy and religious beliefs?

Religion worships God and spirituality encourages oneness with God, universal energy, or whatever you call the source of everything. God is outside of you in religion and you are part of God, or whatever you call it, with spirituality. You don't even have to call it God. Spirituality teaches people to create their own heaven or hell. It is their responsibility and within their power. Religion is based on fear and restriction. Spirituality is based on love and freedom. . Religions separate people who have different beliefs. Spirituality expects people to have differing beliefs. Religion teaches people to be afraid of hell. Spirituality teaches you create your own heaven or hell. Religions separate people who have different beliefs. Spirituality expects people to have differing beliefs. Religion teaches people to be afraid of hell. In spirituality, you learn how to shape your own paradise or torment.

In your book, "About Spiritual Energy", you mention using spiritual energy to improve one's life. Can you provide some practical examples or exercises that readers can apply in their daily lives?

Meditate every day. Teaches to focus, relax, and concentrate. Study differing points of view. Not everyone thinks the same. Notice how plants and animals communicate.

Can you share a personal experience or moment that solidified your belief in the existence of spiritual energy?

Probably when I was 8 years old, but it was many years before I learned energy and matter were the same; probably in college.

For readers who may be skeptical, how do you suggest they approach the idea of spiritual energy with an open mind?

I don't. People are going to believe whatever they want to believe, according to Mrs. Turner.

In your opinion, how does the understanding of spiritual energy contribute to personal growth and self-improvement?

It lays everything right out there. It puts the onus of achieving happiness or wealth on you. It encourages wisdom in decision making and the understanding that you constantly manifest your own life through your thoughts every moment of your life.

Do you believe that everyone holds the same level of connection to spiritual energy, or is it something that can be nurtured over time?

We all have a level of 100%, but it needs to be accepted, understood, and used. I have given psychic readings, moved objects with my aura and other so-called magic stuff, but I don't do that anymore. Although every once in a while, when I get an extremely good feeling from someone, I tell them.

Your book, "About Spiritual Energy," emphasizes living spiritually without the need for organized religion. How can individuals cultivate a spiritual life independently?

That is a brilliant question. I'm surprised I even mentioned it. It almost has to be done independently.

When you live spiritually, you learn to listen to your own soul. It is wonderful to associate with people who will give you that freedom, but most organized groups don't.

How does the concept of spiritual energy influence our relationships with others and the world around us?

You learn that energy undergoes changes, but cannot be destroyed, so it will be present forever. That means you will be around as many forms. You could be a plant, animal, tree, human, or even spend many years as a rock, even though that is hard to believe. You learn we all have different beliefs and have possibly made every mistake and committed some kind of sin in your time of existence. It takes eternal existence and eternal thought seriously. It helps you to be understanding of others, open to their thoughts and ideas. And without a need to criticize others for their thoughts, words, or deeds.

Are there specific practices or rituals you recommend for individuals to enhance their connection with spiritual energy?

When you understand that spiritual and physical energy are interchangeable, there is no need for rituals. But you can meditate in a group or affirm in a group, or even manifest as a group. You could even have weekly meetings like churches do. You would start with a few words of greeting and then follow up with a short meditation. Next, you could have a talk about your relationship with spiritual energy or a similar topic, have a collection to cover expenses, or just charge a small fee at the beginning. There is nothing against making a profit. Then end with a group manifestation. Encourage everyone to practice their spirituality in their own unique way,

In your research, have you come across any scientific or philosophical perspectives that align with the concept of spiritual energy?

Yes! Tons of it! Though it is usually called invisible energy, just energy, or nonmaterial energy. Examples like Albert Einstein revealing that energy and matter were the same back in 1905, and Psychology professor Jordan Poppenk and his master's student Julie Tseng at Queen's University discovered "thought worms" in 2020. Biocentrism offers a more promising way to bring together all of physics, as scientists have been doing since Einstein’s day. And the study of quantum physics is breaking out all kinds of ideas about existence period,

What message do you hope readers take away from your book, particularly regarding the balance between spiritual existence and physical reality?

I would like to get across the idea that we are creatures of spiritual energy. Our thoughts, words, actions, dreams, feelings, and everything in the universe is spiritual, and our seemingly physical reality is only an illusion. We manifest our future states of existence with our conscious and unconscious thoughts, which come directly to us from our spiritual soul.

How has your experience of being associated with AllAuthor been?

It’s been incredibility good. I have been asked to appear on a bunch of podcasts before and this is the first time I have ever been sent questions about what we might talk about. I have even suggested that we prepare for the podcast and was turned down several times; I believe your questions will help us do a better podcast. Also, I am 86 years old now and just don’t respond as fast as I did when I was 40 or 50. Thia is just a result of the normal aging process. When I was younger, I did a lot of public speaking, and it was normal to prepare for what you wanted to speak about. Thank you. I’m looking forward to our podcast.

Walter Broach All time Favourite Books

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About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joy
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
About Spiritual Energy: Your Guide to Perpetual Joyby Walter E. Broach MLS PhDPublish: Apr 15, 2021Series: Spiritual EnergyAdvice & How To General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
Walter Broach Walter Broach 1 year ago
I never realized we are spiritual beings existing as people. This book explains the who, what, why, when, and where about our soul's activity within us as we live. It is truly mind opening and mind bending. Everyone should read this book, even if you have never read a book about spirituality before.

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