About Author

Barbara Borzi

Barbara Borzi
  • Genre:

    Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Business
  • Country: Canada
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Flight attendant
  • Born: 23 January
  • Member Since: Sep 2022
  • Profile Views: 7,524
  • Followers: 76
  • VISIT AUTHOR: Twitter, Instagram, Amazon,

I am a Toronto-born Canadian who graduated from university with no clear career goals so looked to the skies and decided to enter the world of aviation. I have been a flight attendant for the past 25 years, despite being afraid of heights and prone to motion sickness. What was supposed to be a fun, temporary job turned into an unforgettable lifetime career full of stories, adventures, and the occasional tears and vomit. Writing a book was a bucket list item for me, however, without my husband's repetitive and annoying questioning, "so how's that book coming along?" would probably not exist. Being grounded from flying, due to the pandemic, gave me ample time to concentrate on my writing. Not only was I able to complete my first book, but I also managed to silence my husband! I currently share my home in Brampton, Ontario with my husband, three adult children and spoiled dog.

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Living the Sky Life
(3) $4.77 kindleeBook,
Living the Sky Lifeby Barbara BorziPublish: Aug 24, 2021Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Business

Barbara Borzi Interview On 12, May 2023

"A Toronto-born Canadian, Barbara Borzi has been a flight attendant for the past 25 years. As a child, she wanted to be an astronaut. Barbara is an exceptional writer a talented wordsmith who has recently unveiled her debut memoir, Living the Sky Life to the world. She enjoys going for runs, playing with her dog, nature, reading and travelling."
If you had to describe your childhood in three lines, what would you say?

This would be my childhood in a haiku: Had fun with my friends Worked hard when it came to school Supportive family

Was becoming an author something, you always planned on doing or did you have other goals as a child?

As a child, I wanted to be an astronaut. I guess you can say I was shooting for the stars! I always enjoyed reading, however, and once in grade school, I started writing short stories and poems. Writing a book became a bucket list item for me once I graduated university.

What is your favorite feel-good movie?

Ella Enchanted. I tend to gravitate towards medieval comedy movies. The Princess Bride, A Knight’s Tale, and Shrek are other favourites of mine.

Name one fictional book world you'd love to visit or live in.

Harry Potter, but only if I could wear the Cloak of Invisibility.

What inspired you to write the memoir, Living the Sky Life?

My running buddy loved hearing my work stories and told me that if I were to ever write a book, it should be about my work “adventures.”. Writing about my life as a flight attendant would enable me to keep those “impressionable” memories alive.

Who designed the cover of your memoir, Living the Sky Life?

I did.

What is one question you wish you would get asked more? What would be your answer?

How many copies of your book can I buy?

As many as you can afford!

What is the harshest but also most helpful criticism you've ever received for your writing?

I can’t say anyone has ever been harsh towards my writing. I have received helpful criticism, however. Sometimes I don’t elaborate enough so I’ve been mindful of this when I write.

Have you ever considered writing under a pseudonym?


As an author, what kind of pressure or stress do you get from writing?

Not finding the time to just sit down and concentrate on my writing. I need to retire from my job!

Do you have any opinion on the term "Generation Gap"?

Not really. We have different generations. There are gaps between them. Each offer something positive. Enough said.

What is one thing/place you wish you could go back to just one more time?

My wedding day. I never got to finish my dinner and it was amazing!

What are some ways you find ways to have fun being an author even though it is a very demanding job?

I enjoy going for runs, playing with my dog, and, believe it or not, going to work in the skies- collecting more data for future writings. Lol!

How do you keep your books from getting dull? What are awesome tips for brainstorming that you use?

I find that just keeping it real works for me.

What are your thoughts on AllAuthor? Is this a website you see yourself using for some time even in the future?

They have been very helpful in getting my name and book out there for others to discover. I don’t see myself cutting this connection any time soon!

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