About Author

Wayne Michaels

Wayne Michaels
  • Genre:

    Thriller Mystery Science Fiction
  • Country: United States
  • Books: 1
  • Profession: Freelance graphic designer/illustrator
  • Born: 18 March
  • Member Since: Apr 2020
  • Profile Views: 18,506
  • Followers: 129
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I have been interested in space, science, and exploration since my childhood. From the first space launches to our current push to go back to the Moon and maybe Mars, the curiosity of what might be out there always intrigued me. After several years of scribbled notes and story ideas, I decided to write my own interpretation of what our future in space might hold. Life aboard a space station.
In real life, I am a freelance illustrator/designer and have taught the same at the college level.
I have many more ideas on scribbled note cards and hope to continue my stories in the future.

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The Taborie Team Incident
The Taborie Team Incidentby Wayne MichaelsPublish: Jul 09, 2017Series: Kyle Galen AdventuresScience Fiction Teen & Young Adult

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  • Kyle Galen Adventures

    1 The Taborie Team Incident - Published on Jul, 2017

Wayne Michaels Interview On 16, Apr 2021

"Wayne Michaels has been interested in space, science, and exploration since his childhood. His wife is the most supportive and understanding person, both in his writing and his illustration artwork. His main character, Kyle Galen, is a composite of himself and two other friends he grew up with. He is a freelance illustrator/designer and has taught the same at the college level."
Where have you spent most of your childhood?

I spent the majority of my childhood, and adult life, living in the “mitten” state of Southwest Michigan.

Do you remember the first story you ever read and the impact it had on you?

The first story, outside of the required early readers, that made an impact on me was “War of the Worlds” by H.G. Wells. I was fascinated by the possibility of life elsewhere in the universe and the conflict it might cause if ever the two would meet. The fact that we weren’t the most advanced, dominate lifeform tended to humble my outlook of life here on Earth.

What first got you interested in space, science, and exploration?

Stories like “War of the Worlds”, “The Martian Chronicles”, and others by Verne, and Asimov wetted my interest, but growing up in the late 50s and 60s, I was surrounded by our own Earthly advancements in space technology both in the U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. (Russia). The launch of satellites, animals in space, manned orbital launches all leading up to a man on the moon just made me want to experience space exploration.

Who is the most supportive person in your life when it comes to your writing?

My wife is the most supportive and understanding person when it comes to my writing. She understands my need to get creative, both in my writing and my illustration artwork, and gives me the space and time needed to do so.

What encouraged you to write your own interpretation of what our future in space might hold?

Over time, I was always thinking about space travel and our advancement and new knowledge of the universe and would jot down ideas of my thoughts for the future. Knowing that the problems and conflicts here on Earth would not readily go away, I knew that, despite our technological advances, the future would not be a rosy one.

How did you come up with the plot of your book, The Taborie Team Incident?

As I mentioned, I would jot down ideas as they came to me. Then after having my daughter, who became a voracious reader herself, I was drawn into her reading of the “Hardy Boys” and “Nancy Drew” books. A light bulb came on. I took all my notes and added to them the current escalating tensions on Earth and started WW III. I placed my main characters on a space station to escape the results of that war and made them high-school students. “The Taborie Team” name was my daughter’s idea for the new generation of exploration adventurers.

Who inspired the character of sixteen-year-old Kyle Galen in "The Taborie Team Incident"?

My main character, Kyle Galen, is a composite of myself and two other friends I grew up with. I was the awkward, shy guy in high-school, uncomfortable in group situations but curious about a lot of things. My friend Richard was the smart one, knowledgeable in many areas, especially science and Martin was the guy who knew how a lot of stuff worked and would tear apart and rebuild many items.

What should every aspiring writer know about writing?

Write, write, and write some more. Even if it’s not that good, get your ideas down on paper. You can always come back to it and rewrite or edit. I heard that “You can’t edit a blank page” and it’s true. Keep a notepad or equivalent handy for that inspiration, situation, or people moment that might pop up. Everything is fodder for your story and using “real-life” events can make it more believable.

What's the best way to write a great science fiction book? What should the author be careful about?

I think the best thing you can do to write a science fiction book is to do your research. Even the most fantastic ideas have some basis in science (as we know it). Unless it’s pure fantasy where you can do anything you want, your book should be part science probability and science fact. If an author has to be careful about anything, it would be, I think, cliché situations. Try to be original in your characters, settings, and situations.

What do people misunderstand about space travel?

I think that the biggest misunderstanding about space travel is how massive our solar system and the known universe actually is and how long it would take to travel from Earth to point B. As has been said, “there is no planet B” and even though we have discovered possible other “Earths” or life sustaining planets, the time needed to get there with today’s technology is extremely long.

Which of the ideas on one of your scribbled notecards is the next to become a novel?

The next story to come from my notes, “Ghosts of the Asteroid Storm” is just about ready to be released.

Being so curious about space, did you ever think about working at NASA or SpaceX?

Yes, I had thought about being an astronaut or what it would be like to work at NASA (SpaceX didn’t exist yet) but I’m not geared to being a rocket scientist or engineer, I’m a creative in a different way.

Which are the best websites to learn adobe illustrator from the beginning?

Learning Adobe Illustrator from the beginning can be tough but the Adobe website has numerous tutorials and videos to get you up and running quickly and you can access many of those through the Illustrator program and follow along. I have been using Adobe Illustrator since it came out in 1985 and use it for my illustration and design freelance business.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

I currently have outlines, in different stages, for five more stories. In one, Kyle travels back to what is left of the Earth after the ravages of World War III to visit relatives of his friends Andy and Lisa. Their great-grandfather, along with the G’nonlek race, was essential in the rebuilding of Earth. Kyle was born on Space Station Volition and has never been to Earth so this book will cover some of the back-story of how we got to this place in time.

What are your thoughts on AllAuthor? Is this a website you see yourself using for some time even in the future?

I thoroughly enjoy being part of AllAuthor. The amount of exposure to so many different authors and genres is great. A great outlet for self-published and indie authors is the next best thing to the “new section” of a library. I plan to stay with AllAuthor for as long as you’ll have me.

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