Author’s Top 5 Writing and Marketing Tips
Alan C Bruce
Crime Fiction Thriller
1 year

When people ask me how to start their first book, I always say pick up a pen or turn on your laptop.
It may seem obvious to the others who have written and published. However, we must all start somewhere to accomplish our dream of being a writer. It doesn't matter if your writing is awful, incoherent or dishevelled. The fact you have written it down means you are on your way. Never give up. Keep writing. When I started my first book, "For the Love of Murder: A Miscarriage of Justice!" it took me a little over nine years to complete because I kept giving in to indecision and self-doubt. My second novel took me exactly twelve months to complete and will be available on Amazon this week. The links will be provided here—the moral of my advice. Never give up, and keep writing.

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