Author’s Top 5 Writing and Marketing Tips
L. M. Montes
Action & Adventure Christian Fiction
1 year

1. If you're writing in your manuscript and something isn't working right, but you are not able to put a finger on what the problem is, don't be afraid to put it away for a few days. It could be you have information that is out of place and belongs in a place later (or earlier) in the story, or the problem could be having something to do with your main character's character arc. It could be something else, too. Walking away from it temporarily will allow your brain to relax and regroup. The answer will come to you.

2. Don't write like someone else. Write how you write. Your process is yours. Doing what works for you will make the road less bumpy and more fun.

3. Writing, whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, is more than the act of writing itself. It is a process and it all takes time. Rushing through from the beginning to the end will only get you no where fast. Take your time and have fun with it.

4. After you write your first chapter, move on to the second and third and so on. Don't try to make everything perfect straight out of the gate, or you will be there forever at the beginning and never finish.

5. Talk to other people. Preferably, choose one or two people you can trust to talk to when you have an idea or hit a snag and don't quite know how to proceed. For me it's my son and daughter who I talk to. Sometimes verbalizing the issue(s) can clear the problem up.

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