Book Discussion: Mariah's Revenge (Sequel to Hunting Mariah)

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Mariah's Revenge (Sequel to Hunting Mariah)by Janice Spina JE SpinaPublish: Mar 14, 2018Series: Mariah SeriesCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mystery
    • Janice Spina Janice Spina 5 years ago
      Mariah’s Revenge

      1. What do you attribute to Mariah’s growth in maturity from the first book?
      2. Do you feel any sympathy toward Sage? Why or why not?
      3. What do you think has caused the drastic transformation in Sage’s character? Is it for the better? Why or why not?
      4. Why was Arabella attracted to Sage?
      5. Copycat killer – What do you think are the underlying circumstances that would motivate a person to become a copycat killer?
      6. Would you like to see more stories involving Mariah?
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