Book Discussion: One Thousand Names of Soma: Elements of Religious and Divine Ecstasy

One Thousand Names of Soma: Elements of Religious and Divine Ecstasy
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One Thousand Names of Soma: Elements of Religious and Divine Ecstasyby James KalomirisPublish: Jul 11, 2019Series: The Secret History of the VedasReligion & Spirituality
    • James Kalomiris James Kalomiris 2 years ago
    • This is the second of a series, The Secret History of the Vedas. Written in a lively, engaging style, the purpose of the series is to educate, entertain, and inform the Reader, and as any book ought to do, teach the Reader something, or to have the Reader find what I written to be interesting enough to where they want to learn more.
      Soma is a mercurial presence in the combined wisdom of Hinduism, the Vedic dharma. Soma can mean many things in the Vedic dharma and pinning Soma down to a single entity in one book is difficult. This book accomplishes this goal of giving the best explanation of who and what Soma is in the Rig Veda.
      This book contains one thousand epithets---names---for Soma found in the Ninth Book of the Rig Veda
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