by Amy HarmonPublish: Dec 01, 2016Historical RomanceRomanceHistorical FictionLiterary Fiction
Book Overview
Italy, 1943—Germany occupies much of the country, placing the Jewish population in grave danger during World War II.As children, Eva Rosselli and Angelo Bianco were raised like family but divided by circumstance and religion. As the years go by, the two find themselves falling in love. But the church calls to Angelo and, despi... te his deep feelings for Eva, he chooses the priesthood.Now, more than a decade later, Angelo is a Catholic priest and Eva is a woman with nowhere to turn. With the Gestapo closing in, Angelo hides Eva within the walls of a convent, where Eva discovers she is just one of many Jews being sheltered by the Catholic Church.But Eva can’t quietly hide, waiting for deliverance, while Angelo risks everything to keep her safe. With the world at war and so many in need, Angelo and Eva face trial after trial, choice after agonizing choice, until fate and fortune finally collide, leaving them with the most difficult decision of more
Action & AdventureContemporary RomanceHistorical RomanceRomantic SuspenseNew Adult RomanceParanormal RomanceRomanceTime Travel RomanceHistorical FictionLiterary FictionAfrican American InterestFantasyTeen & Young Adultmore»
BIOGRAPHY Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books a... nd her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in seventeen different languages, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, more
The Law of Mosesby Amy HarmonPublish: Nov 27, 2014Series: The Law of MosesSuspenseMysteryContemporary RomanceRomantic SuspenseRomanceLiterary FictionAfrican American Interestmore»
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Making Facesby Amy HarmonPublish: Oct 20, 2013Contemporary RomanceRomanceLiterary FictionTeen & Young Adult
Book Detail
From Sand and Ash
Amy Harmon
Publish Date
01, Dec 2016
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