Dark Desires: The Hunter Chronicles Book 2 (Volume 2)
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Dark Desires: The Hunter Chronicles Book 2 (Volume 2)

by Claire Marta
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Paranormal Romance

A native Brit, I live in Italy with my husband and daughter. When I am not writing and drinking copious amounts of tea, I enjoys taking photos of my adoptive country, trying to stay fit with running, reading amazing books and being a stay at home mother.

You can follow me for News and Updates on my books on my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/clairemartabooks/

Claire Marta other Books

Claimed By Magic (The Hunter Chronicles) (Volume 3)
FrostBite (The Hunter Chronicles) (Volume 1)
The Serpent's Kiss (The Hunter Chronicles Book 4)
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The Serpent's Kiss (The Hunter Chronicles Book 4)by Claire MartaPublish: Aug 10, 2017Series: The Hunter Chronicles
Book Detail
Title Dark Desires: The Hunter Chronicles Book 2 (Volume 2)
Author Claire Marta
ASIN 1542517117
Page Count 358