Fearless Author: Prepare, Publish and Launch Your Own eBook (step-by-step self-publishing guide with bonuses including the Book Launch & Marketing Checklist and a list of free eBook promotion sites!)
by Ashley EmmaPublish: Mar 11, 2017Book Overview
*Order the paperback and get the eBook for free!*
“…The list of places to promote your book along with the step-by-step publishing and marketing checklist is well worth the cost of this eBook.”
---Nicole Cruz, www.nicolecruzproofreader.com
Have you always dreamed of becoming an author? Do you want to use a book to build your business, get high-paying leads on autopilot, and beat your competition?
Fearless Author will teach you everything you need to know about self-publishing your own book. Whether your goal is to achieve your dream of becoming an author or you want to skyrocket your business by using your book as your “Ultimate Business Card," Fearless Author will give you a step-by-step system with helpful bonuses & checklists. There is even a free webinar training on how I used this book to generate over $17,000 in client work in its first month.
If you want even more self-publishing help beyond this book, schedule your free call with me at www.MeetMe.so/Ashley Emma.
You no longer have to wait for permission from an agent or a publishing house to become a successful published author. With the right tools, mindset, and skills, you can self-publish any book you want in a few short months!
Let me show you exactly how I launched 3 bestselling books before the age of 25.
Download the FREE Fearless Author printable Book Launch & Marketing Checklist, get 3 of my books for free, and register for my free author training at www.ashleyemmaauthor.com. You'll also get all my future eBooks for free.
When you use the free printable Book Launch & Marketing Checklist from my website, you won’t even have to take notes unless you want to.
Learn how to do several basic, necessary skills, including how to:
-Build your email list on autopilot
-Use beta readers to improve your book
-Get reviews
-Get editorial reviews
-Launch your eBook
-Market your book consistently longterm
-Use permafree books to build your fan base
You will also learn:
-Why you need an email list
-How to make it easy and fun for your beta readers
-Why you should give away your book(s) for free to your email list
-How to use KDP free promotions
-How to build continue to build your email list, drive readers to your other eBooks, get readers to “like” your Facebook page, and get reviews from readers all on autopilot through your eBook(s).
-Plus SO much more!
Bonus Material Includes:
-The questionnaire I send to my beta readers
-The experts I hire
-The Book Launch and Marketing Checklist
-The Permafree Book Checklist
-A list of links to various helpful resources used throughout the book
-PLUS a list of free eBook sites you can market your eBook on!
Want even more self-publishing help? I'm happy to help. Book your free call with me at www.MeetMe.so/AshleyEmma!
“Five stars! I’m speechless! I can’t begin to tell you what a pearl this book is for self-publishing authors. I honestly could not put this book down; I read it from cover to cover until after midnight. The author has a wealth of knowledge on this topic; I can’t believe how much I learned from her tonight! She even gives webinars and does live events for authors. I am a master coach, trainer, and author, so I know talent when I see it! I’ll be honest, I wouldn’t mind spending some time getting coached on this topic by the author. Fantastic, self-publishing authors, this is a must read for us all! Wow!”
–Rev. Dr. Kevin T. Coughlin Ph.D., Top 100 Amazon multi-bestselling author
"I read nearly every book on self-publishing, and I can say that this one has information the others don’t have. If you want to be sure you are up on the latest, become a Fearless Author now!”
-Ray Brehm - Bestselling Author of The Author Startup