The Mad, Bad and Dangerous
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The Mad, Bad and Dangerous

by Edward ButtsPublish: Feb 13, 2018Series: Mad, Bad and DangerousTrue Crime

Book Overview

The Mad, Bad and Dangerous: Volume I, is a collection of true stories about murders committed by men from widely differing backgrounds. One was the spoiled, eccentric son of wealthy parents.

At the opposite end of the social spectrum was an impetuous rural youth who was a petty thief, obsessed with the power of a gu... n. The suspect in the massacre of almost an entire family was a farm boy with a history of mental illness. Another youth with a disturbing past stalked young women.

A band of criminal brothers made a cold, calculating decision to permanently silence a witness. These men were separated by time and place, but had one thing in common. They were killers!
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Mad, Bad and Dangerous complete series

Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction True Crime

RJ PARKER PHD, is ranked in the Top 100 authors on Amazon in Biography and History.

RJ is a Canadian Author who has written 31 true crime books and co-authored another 10 books, and published over 150 books for other authors which are available in eBook, Paperback and most in Audiobook editions and have so... ld in over 100 countries. He holds Certifications in Serial Crime and Criminal Profiling.

"Parker amazes his readers with top notch writing and idealist research. The Canadian writer has a better grasp of criminology and the psyche of a serial killer's mind than most people who spend a lifetime in a professional field chasing criminals and diabolic fiends". -- John Douglas (Retired FBI Agent - Behavioral Science)


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Book Detail
Title The Mad, Bad and Dangerous
Series Mad, Bad and Dangerous
Author Edward Butts,Peter Vronsky,RJ Parker
Publish Date 13, Feb 2018
Language English
Page Count 126