Bedlam Maternity
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Bedlam Maternity

by Morgan GallagherPublish: Dec 18, 2012
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Literature And Fiction

Morgan Gallagher is in her late 40s, and should know better, about spending her writing life with vampires. However, she has no choice, as they refuse to go away and leave her alone. A native Scot, she lives in the Scottish Borders with her husband and their six year old son. A full time carer for her husband who is severely disabled, Morgan also works as a volunteer for several charities and is passionate about the rights of babies, children and mothers. She has campaigned vigorously against child detention during immigration procedures. She and her husband home educate their son and attempt to keep a never ending stream of cats under control. The North Sea pounds their fishing village every winter, and every major storm, the entire family are to be found in the car parked on the headland admiring the view. Apart from the cats, that is, who are at home dreaming of summer.

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Book Detail
Title Bedlam Maternity
Author Morgan Gallagher
Publish Date 18, Dec 2012