by Caroline WalkenPublish: Feb 24, 2017Series: The Willows SeriesHistorical Romance
Book Overview
No one forgets their first love... That first kiss, the passion for music or the view from the top of a mountain. First loves come in many forms, and for ELL DONELAN it was her home; The Willows. Filled with desire and courage, she fought to save it, salvage what she could from it then concocted a scheme to obtain a piece... of it. Gambling, the one way a girl in the mid 20’s could raise cash quickly. Just a pretty girl having a lucky night, what was the harm?
It was a great plan until she drew the attention of the mob. Late one night REGGIE MARTIN and his friend filled her doorway. He too had a hunger he chased; it was not women or power but an empire. He yearned for a change, the pursuit of it consumed him. That was until a mob boss sent him to straighten out a reckless gambler with hazel eyes. read more
Love comes in many forms; the love of your mate, the emotion you feel for your child and for your family. Homes too can be an object of your passion, is it enough to save a family homestead.
BIOGRAPHY Caroline Walken has several titles in publication currently; Ell’s Double Down, Reggie’s No Limit, Nowhere on the Map and the latest, Behind the Fan. Coming later this year -- In Hiding, the award-winning short-story will now be a novel!
• Behind the Fan is Bronze Medalist in the 2018 Wishing Shelf Book Awar... d for Independent
• Short story; In Hiding included in the 2017 Closed Doors: Best of Writers Assembled Collection
• Nowhere on the Map was accepted for the 2018 Reader’s Choice Award in the Romance
• Short story; The Rule of Ten, included in 2018 The Best Rejected Manuscripts of 2018: (As Chosen by the Readers of
The consensuses by readers are that her writing is gripping and the characters compelling. The women love the female characters; appreciating their spunk as well as their flaws. With a craving for action and adventure, her romance novels are not your typical girl meets boy romances. Often intertwined with mystery and lawbreaking the stories keep the reader engaged.
Look for other novels by Caroline Walken as her imagination continues to run wild! Let the trouble begin!read more