A Life in Progress and Other Short Stories
by Tracy Million SimmonsWomen's Fiction Book Overview
In this collection of short stories, Tracy Million Simmons captures slices of life, glimpses of everyday people and everyday thoughts and actions, and the many moments—touching, amusing, happy, sad—of lives in progress. This book is an intimate peek into a writer’s stash, written across the decades, an experience of timelessness and the human condition. Through fiction, these stories reveal relatable truths. “Like Oreo cookies, I kept reaching for another until the whole package was gone.” ~ Michael D. Graves, author of To Leave a Shadow “In this big-hearted book, we see the lives of Midwesterners through their own eyes. Tracy is our own Emporia version of Grace Paley, and she moves with compassion and empathy from stories of childhood to stories set at the nursing home, always with that kind of plucky magic for which Kansas storytellers are known, a wise twinkle in their eyes.” ~ Kevin Rabas, author of Songs for My Father “Tracy Million Simmons shows clearly the moving parts of relationships. Her stories reveal the irreversible ties of family. She shows the push-and-pull between spouses, between parent and child, between dear friends, and we see how we’re all recklessly and joyfully bound one to another.” ~ Cheryl Unruh, author of Walking on Water “A Life in Progress is filled with a variety of diverse and in-depth studies and stories about people of all ages and for readers of all ages. Tracy Million Simmons shows astute awareness and intuitive chameleon-like ability to be inside the head of both male and female, young and old, and across a diversity of cultures. Her work is not only emotional and heartfelt, but astoundingly on target. The price of this book is worth it for each story. A highly recommended read that kept me satiated with unexpected surprises and delights.” ~ Ronda Miller, Life Coach and author MoonStain (2015) and WaterSigns (2017) “...so many thought provoking stories that live in your head long after reading them.” ~ Yvonne Evie Green, Write Stuff Coordinator, Topeka, KS