Destination Unknown: A Tale of Time Travel
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Destination Unknown: A Tale of Time Travel

by Kathleen Ballantine WatsonPublish: Jul 27, 2018Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance

Book Overview

Twenty-six-year-old Beth needs no more drama in her life. Her job has become unstable leaving her with a shaky future. Dealing with a violent ex-boyfriend stalking her has been stressful enough. Now, on top of that, a serial killer’s on the prowl killing women who look like her.
Meanwhile, Beth's brother, Russ, has s... pent his life dedicated to building a time travel machine he calls the Scorpion. It's now complete and ready for experimentation.
Beth hates the contraption and wants no part of it. But when her life is threatened, the Scorpion’s her only means of escape. She's taken back to the year 1860 in a barn owned by a widower with three small children. With a broken-down machine, can she endure this challenging life while she hopes and prays her brother will build another machine and find her?
Twenty-six-year-old Beth has enough drama in her life. Her unstable job leaves her with a shaky future. A violent stalking ex-boyfriend causes more stress. And on top of that, a serial killer’s on the prowl killing women with Beth's identical physical traits.
Meanwhile, her brother Russ has spent his life dedicated to building a time machine. Now complete, it's ready for test runs.
Beth hates the contraption and wants no part of it. But when her life's threatened, the machine is her only means of escape. Traveling back to the year 1860, she lands inside a barn owned by a widower with three small children. Stranded with a broken-down machine, Beth must endure this challenging life while hoping and praying her brother can build another machine and come to the rescue. But how will he know where to look?

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Destination Unknown complete series

Destination Unknown: A Tale of Time Travel
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Destination Unknown: A Tale of Time Travelby Kathleen Ballantine WatsonPublish: Jul 27, 2018Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance
Destination Unknown - The Saga Contiues
$21.95 kindle Free with KU
Destination Unknown - The Saga Contiuesby Kathleen WatsonPublish: Apr 21, 2021Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance Science Fiction
$21.95 kindleeBook,
Destination Unknown: Times Running Outby Kathleen Ballantine WatsonPublish: Sep 08, 2024Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance
Thriller Suspense Time Travel Romance Science Fiction

Kathleen is the proud mother of four, grandmother of eleven, and great-grandmother of three. She grew up in Duluth, MN, but currently lives in SW Florida with her retired military husband, Darrell.

Her favorite things to do when not writing are gardening, golfing, oil painting and most of all, family gatheri... ngs.

Kathleen also authored a non-fiction book under the name Kathleen Ballantine. ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, a five-star book is an exploration of the wealth of God's promises. Over one-hundred scriptures transformed into powerful prayers gives confidence to those seeking God's will.
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Kathleen Ballantine Watson other Books

Destination Unknown - The Saga Contiues
$21.95 kindle Free with KU
Destination Unknown - The Saga Contiuesby Kathleen WatsonPublish: Apr 21, 2021Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance Science Fiction
$21.95 kindleeBook,
Destination Unknown: Times Running Outby Kathleen Ballantine WatsonPublish: Sep 08, 2024Series: Destination UnknownAction & Adventure Time Travel Romance
According to His Will~Prayers From God's Word
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
According to His Will~Prayers From God's Wordby Kathleen Ballantine WatsonPublish: Jul 27, 2018Historical Fiction Christian Fiction Science Fiction
Book Detail
Title Destination Unknown: A Tale of Time Travel
Series Destination Unknown
Author Kathleen Ballantine Watson
Publish Date 27, Jul 2018
Language English
Page Count 227