Teddy Pink Nose
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Teddy Pink Nose

by Beth HammondPublish: Feb 17, 2016Children's

Book Overview

Teddy Pink Nose felt different. He was the only bear in the room without a black nose. But by the end of the day Teddy Pink Nose learned that the measure of a bear was taken from the heart.
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Beth Hammond, is an author/illustrator who writes anything from YA fantasy to children's picture books. She is a wife, mother, and lover of life. Her early years were spent serving in the military. Her middle years spent raising babies and figuring out her place in the world. Her later years are yet to come, and fill... ed with hopes and endless dreams. She spends her days creating worlds through words and illustration. read more

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Book Detail
Title Teddy Pink Nose
Author Beth Hammond
Publish Date 17, Feb 2016
Page Count 28