Praying for God's Glory ... Poems About Life
by Patrick L WashingtonPublish: Oct 21, 2013Christian Fiction Poetry Book Overview
Over 15 years ago, God spoke to my heart and cause me to write a poem entitled Trouble Man praying for Gods Glory, essentially this book is formed around that poem, because I was indeed a trouble man. Many people who are saved are still lost and will not admit that they have an issue. Ask yourself this question What does Gods Glory have to do with the pain Im going through? First of all God wants the Glory and honor because you could not have done anything without Him. The more you give him glory in the mist of the storm the more He opens you up. The three Hebrew boys sung praises to God and He delivered them. Author Patrick L. Washington proclaims the truth, that God will do the same for you. Praying for Gods Glory Poems about Life, also has a bonus short story in it entitled I Found Him. I Found Him is a story about a man and a woman named Beau Bill and Sister Martha. Who has lived there lives on the outside of grace. As time progress in their lives, they fell away from God. One day Beau Bill felt the tug of God, which gave him the urgency to find God. As you read this story, I hope you will heed to Gods tug and cry out I Found Him.