Life's Harsh Reality (Malachi Brown Series Book 1)
by Patrick L WashingtonPublish: Jul 27, 2019Series: Malachi BrownCrime Fiction Literary Fiction Poetry Book Overview
Life’s Harsh Reality
In the last few years black men and women have been the objective of racial violence. Due to the excessively of the police and other faces of law enforcement. Treating each victim as if they were an extreme threat to their well-being. This inclination is highly geared by bigotry. In what other situation that has happen would you warrants death. Because of the color of your skin.
Are black communities a threat to society or is society and
other faces of enforcement a threat to black communities?
For example, Malachi Brown, 45 average build black man. Professional type of gentleman on his way back, home from a vacation in Tallahassee, FL. His sense of life altered after one night when his truth is disturbed by the ignorance of the Carlton County police. While stopped for gas after a bumpy drive. He engages the police in which a scuffle takes place in Paul's Corner Store.