Dislocation: A memoir of an East African childhood
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Dislocation: A memoir of an East African childhood

by Lucy LangPublish: Jul 14, 2017Biographies & Memoirs
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Lucy Lang
United Kingdom1 Book
Biographies & Memoirs

I am a cancer patient who lost my mother during chemotherapy. It was this hardship which propelled me to write Dislocation, my life story. I was so lucky to be able to spend time with my mother when we were both ill. We began reliving our years of adventure in Africa. One dark cloud during my childhood was my mother's manic depression. My father's eternal love for travel and my vivid memories of living between East Africa, England and Scotland during the 1960s and 1970s came tumbling out. So much so, that I felt compelled to write about my childhood.

Book Detail
Title Dislocation: A memoir of an East African childhood
Author Lucy Lang
Publish Date 14, Jul 2017
Language English
Page Count 113