Golden State Killer, East Area Rapist, Original Night Stalker, Visalia Ransacker and more. The Story of The Golden State Killer’s Beginnings. Who else was he as he traveled through time? Was he, is he the Zodiac Killer who terrorized us in the 1960's and is that who else sits in the Sacramento County Jail awaiting trial? I ... present evidence of other monikers that belong to this man. Spanning almost 6 decades the killer roamed the state of California. The career and possible monikers for the same man 1960 - 2018. This is the true story of how such a man remained free all of these years. This is the true story of the man's pattern's and attacks from the beginning until the end. The story continues. The most prolific serial criminal in California History. He could be the most prolific serial killer ever. He could not be stopped until DNA and Genetic Genealogy found him. What if this is truly how the story goes? Anne has written about the possibilities and writes about things no one else has mentioned in the Zodiac story. read more
Is the Golden State Killer also the serial killer known as Zodiac? Was the progression 1968-69 Zodiac and then Visalia Ransacker 1973-76 . East Area Rapist 1976-1979 and eventually the moniker Golden State Killer?
BIOGRAPHY Anne Penn has been writing all of her life. Her interests are focused primarily on true stories. Ms. Penn wrote the 5 books about the Golden State Killer Cases to document possible murders that are still unsolved and are cold cases. That has been Ms. Penn's focus. Bringing answers to families who still wait is part ... of why Ms. Penn put her research into book form. Ms. Penn has also written other books using her actual name which have to do with helping women and girls.
Anne Penn holds degrees in Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice and Addiction Specialties. Now after deep diving into what may have actually happened in the 58 years the Golden State Killer was free; her investigations have brought her to write What If? Golden State Killer ZODIAC SOLVED, End Game of The Most Dangerous Game Golden State Killer which discusses the fact that besides being a serial rapist he was also the serial killer convicted and sentenced August of 2020. Next, she has written Serial Slaughter Zodiac Killer with Criminal Evidence showing just how realistic it is that this same man is and was the Zodiac Killer in California, his preferred hunting grounds. Since writing Serial Slaughter two of the cold case murders, she wrote about have been solved. Anne sent her books to investigators, and she hopes this helped them to focus on and solve these old cold cases.
Now Anne has tried her hand at a fictional homage to the character and the series Dexter. This is a fictional analysis and a tribute to solid writing and characters that many of us loved to love and cheer on. Dissecting Dexter is meant to honor and sometimes poke fun at a vigilante warrior who helps us find justice. Published August 11. Enjoy!read more