Thoughts from a Line at the DMV
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Thoughts from a Line at the DMV

by Jim LandwehrPoetry

Book Overview

Jim Landwehr’s Thoughts From a Line at the DMV opens its heart to us, and we smile, smile some more, and occasionally slap our legs and laugh out loud. But we’re not chuckling at Jim’s “light” humor, but at the sparkling joy just beneath the surface of our lives, where the things we sometimes take too seriously reside. Whether... it’s the loud loudness of a 16-year-old boy, life as a bingo chip person, or notions of moving to Brazil to stop the noise your teeth are making, this book will fill your soul with joy.John L. Stanizzi, author of High Tide-Ebb Tide, Chants, Sundowning, and many other titles.Many of Landwehr’s serious poems have a humorous side, and he sneaks some seriousness into the humorous ones while analyzing and poking some fun at parenting teens, reaching middle age, and the human condition. He is deft at alliteration and has mastered analogy. To wit: have you ever imagined the polar vortex as a “slumlord with a drinking problem,” or described someone’s voice as “a blend of bagpipes, fireworks and a locomotive pile up.”?Well, Jim has. Read this book.Ed Werstein, author of A Tar Pit to Dye InLandwehr’s DMV serves as symbol of suburban setbacks and the often backward tilt of what we call progress. The speakers in these poems swallow their frustration. The poet gives them voice.Margaret Rozga, Wisconsin Poet Laureate, 2019-2020 author of four books including, Pestiferous Questions: A Life in Poems. read more
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Jim Landwehr
United States4 Books
Poetry Biographies & Memoirs

Jim has three nonfiction books, Cretin Boy, Dirty Shirt: A Boundary Waters Memoir and The Portland House: A '70s Memoir. Jim also has five poetry collections, Reciting from Memory, Written Life, On a Road, Thoughts from a Line at the DMV, and Genetically Speaking. His non-fiction stories have been published in Main ... Street Rag, Prairie Rose Publications, Steam Ticket and others. His poetry has been featured in Torrid Literature Journal, Portage Magazine, Blue Heron Review and many others. He loves in Waukesha, Wisconsin with his wife Donna and their two children. He enjoys fishing, kayaking, biking and camping. Jim is a past poet laureate for the Village of Wales, Wisconsin. read more

Jim Landwehr other Books

Cretin Boy
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Cretin Boyby Jim LandwehrPublish: Nov 08, 2020
The Portland House: a '70s Memoir
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The Portland House: a '70s Memoirby Jim LandwehrPublish: Jan 21, 2018Biographies & Memoirs
Dirty Shirt: A Boundary Waters Memoir
Dirty Shirt: A Boundary Waters Memoirby Jim LandwehrPublish: Jun 17, 2014Biographies & Memoirs
Book Detail
Title Thoughts from a Line at the DMV
Author Jim Landwehr
ASIN 1950462358
Page Count 81