by JAMES MARCHIORIPublish: Aug 23, 2019Poetry Book Overview
'The Black Bloom & other poems' is a collection of poetry about the sour duel between life and death, space and time, truth and lie. The author takes the reader through a journey in his delicate and tormented soul.With sarcasm and honesty, he intends to highlight the contradictions of his time, not leaving out a touch of humour but always abiding in a surrealistic metaphor.'The Black Bloom & other poems' is a testament speaking of dissent and passion, making use of rhymes, but also extensive use of free verse. A story that describes our life in multiple ways, giving interpretations that induce hermeneutical research in the reader. It tells of failure and resurrection through evocative instruments such as seasons, colors and morphological structures based on elements of saturation of the objectivity of thought but always bearing the vision, which in psychology are the structural elements featuring the interpretation. Here is well hidden the author's story of life; undisguised but still subconscious in a visionary mosaic that takes advantage of the gothic image, linked to the surrealist disengagement as a spiritual foundation that pervades the work from the decadent will. A frank and voluntary declaration of travel intended as a visionary and nihilistic choice of life, very often mental, with enormous references to love as a dioptric revelation and a redundant tidal wave that fills the aridity of the sandy shore, a romantic vision in the dissolution of absence. 'The Black Bloom & other poems' is the synthesis in verse of a journey into the torment adhering to the luminous grid, made light by will and love. Celebration of the absence in a figurative tomorrow that foreshadows a disenchanted today. A voluntary excursus against the counterfeits of a fake era, but also praise for a remote time, the nineteenth century, to which the author feels he belongs at least ideologically. Tribute to the excellence of that period and of those influential voices that were examples of decadent romanticism and therefore the fulcrum of this visionary story in verse.