The  Lamplighter
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The Lamplighter

by B. Ellen GardnerPublish: Feb 26, 2019Contemporary Romance Women's Fiction
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standalone complete series

Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Romantic Suspense Poetry

B. Ellen Gardner is a graduate of Texas Woman's University. She has taught school for over thirty years and has been writing for as long as she can remember. Her novels include: Guardian Spirit (Suspense Romance), A Trail of Twenty Winters (Historical Fiction Romance), The Lamplighter (Contemporary Romance), Shae's Song (Contemporary Romance), When Warriors Cried (Historical Fiction Romance), and Beyond the Lions' Den (Contemporary/Women's). She has also written Finding Beauty and Other Intangibles (Poetry) and The Jukebox Boys and Other Boyhood Memories, A Collection of Poetry and Prose (Poetry). When Ellen isn't writing or teaching, she enjoys the love of her husband, children, and grandchildren.

B. Ellen Gardner other Books

Beyond the Lions' Den
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Beyond the Lions' Denby B. Ellen GardnerPublish: Oct 16, 2021Contemporary Romance Women's Fiction
When  Warriors Cried
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When Warriors Criedby B. Ellen GardnerPublish: May 27, 2019Historical Romance Historical Fiction
It's Not All Rockets and Ray Guns (Anthology Book 1)
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Finding  Beauty and Other Intangibles: A Collection of Poetry and Prose
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Book Detail
Title The Lamplighter
Author B. Ellen Gardner
Publish Date 26, Feb 2019
Language English
Page Count 305