Identity Thief
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Identity Thief

by J.P. BlochPublish: Sep 23, 2014
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JP Bloch
United States3 Books
Thriller Humor And Comedy Mystery

JP Bloch writes dark (sometimes funny) psychological thriller and mysteries. Sometimes he adds a dash of the supernatural. JP believes that life's problems can be a wellspring for creativity. Don't get mad, write a novel!

JP likes to write in the alienist genre—loners and anti-heroes who have trouble feeling connected to other people.

His turn-offs include Brussels sprouts, bigotry, and people who think life is simple. He enjoys people who have gained wisdom from hardship, and ask questions more than they assume answers. Tumultuous skies are preferred over sunny ones.

JP Bloch other Books

Ph.DEADby J.P. BlochPublish: Jul 01, 2016
Shadow Language
Shadow Languageby J.P. BlochPublish: Mar 15, 2015
Book Detail
Title Identity Thief
Author J.P. Bloch
Publish Date 23, Sep 2014
Page Count 211