Irresistible Demise (After Midnight Book 1)
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Irresistible Demise (After Midnight Book 1)

by Carly SpadePublish: Dec 13, 2019Series: After MidnightParanormal Romance Fantasy



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Carly Spade
United States4 Books
Contemporary Romance Paranormal Romance Romance Science Fiction Fantasy

An adult romance writer who has been writing since she could pick up a pencil. After the insanity of obtaining a bachelor’s and master’s degree in cybersecurity, creating worlds to escape to still ate at her very soul. She started writing FanFiction (which can still be found if you scour the internet

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Book Detail
Title Irresistible Demise (After Midnight Book 1)
Series After Midnight
Author Carly Spade
Publish Date 13, Dec 2019
Language English
Cover Design Story Wrappers