River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)
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River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)

by Mary DealPublish: Oct 17, 2017Series: Sara Mason MysteriesThriller
    • Mary Deal Mary Deal 5 years ago
    • This story of a decades old elusive serial killer is set in my hometown area of California's Sacramento River Delta.
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Sara Mason Mysteries complete series

River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)
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River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)by Mary DealPublish: Oct 17, 2017Series: Sara Mason MysteriesThriller
The Howling Cliffs (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 2)
(1) $2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
The Howling Cliffs (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 2)by Mary DealPublish: Dec 02, 2017Series: Sara Mason MysteriesThriller
Dead To Life (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 3)
(1) $2.99 kindleeBook,
Dead To Life (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 3)by Mary DealPublish: Jul 30, 2020Series: Sara Mason MysteriesThriller
Mary Deal
United States13 Books
Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Advice & How To

Mary Deal, a multi-award-winning, Amazon Bestselling author, is a native of Walnut Grove in California's Sacramento River Delta, now residing in Garner, North Carolina. She was Founder and past President of Kauai Writer's Roundtable. She is a Pushcart Prize nominee and former editor of a print magazine and newspaper columnist.

She has traveled a great deal and has a lifetime of diverse experiences, all of which serve as fodder for her fiction. She has lived in several states, England, the Caribbean, and Hawaii. She is also an oil painter and photographer. In addition to art prints, her images are used to create gorgeous personal and household products from her online galleries.

Her books include:

Sea Cliff - A Love Story set in San Francisco, CA.

The Ka, a paranormal Egyptian suspense.

Down to the Needle, a thriller, taking place along the West coast.

Legacy of the Tropics, an adventure trilogy, takes place in both the Caribbean and Hawaii.

River Bones-Sara Mason Mysteries Book One, a thriller set in her childhood hometown area.

The Howling Cliffs, Sara Mason Mysteries Book Two, set on Kauai in Hawaii.

Dead to Life, Sara Mason Mysteries Book Three, set in San Francisco and Honolulu, Hawaii.

The Sara Mason Mysteries Collection, all three books in one.

Off Center in the Attic, a collection of over-the-top short stories and flash fiction pieces.

Write It Right - Tips for Authors, a mega-volume of writing instruction.

Grief is Love – A Memoir of Surviving Bereavement – A memoir.

Hypno-Scripts-Life Changing Techniques Using Self-Hypnosis and Meditation, Book 1, self-help nonfiction.

Advanced Self-Hypnosis Techniques – Hypno-Scripts Book 2, self-help nonfiction.

Her website (famous for Interviews): www.writeanygenre.com

On Facebook: www.facebook.com/mdeal

Mary Deal other Books

$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
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Grief Is Love: A Memoir of Surviving Bereavementby Mary DealPublish: Feb 08, 2022Biographies & Memoirs
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Sea Cliffby Mary DealPublish: Jun 09, 2018Contemporary Romance
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Sara Mason Mysteries Collection: The Complete Seriesby Mary DealPublish: Apr 19, 2023Series: Sara Mason Mysteries CollectionThriller

Book Awards and Achievements

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    River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)

  • Finalist

    River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)

Josiphine Nyberg Josiphine Nyberg 2 years ago
Boken var verkligen oförutsägbar, jag gillade hur författaren presenterade allt, metaforerna han använde, en riktigt läsvärd bok.
Alve Isaksson Alve Isaksson 2 years ago
En riktigt bra bok som är värd att läsa. Den rekommenderas till alla dramafantaster. Jag tror att kvinnliga läsare kommer att gilla boken!
Book Detail
Title River Bones (Sara Mason Mysteries Book 1)
Series Sara Mason Mysteries
Author Mary Deal
Publish Date 17, Oct 2017
Language English
Page Count 327