by Howard SandsPublish: Sep 14, 2018Christian NonfictionReligion & Spirituality
Book Overview
The Foundations delivers transforming lessons for the Christian believer (especially suited for new believers) to build strong “The Foundations” of their Christian faith.
The book is divided into 10 easy to follow lessons, each including 10 enlightening discussion questions. They help you clearly understand and establ... ish the vital foundations of the Christian faith to become a true disciple of Jesus Christ.
Developed from a pastors perspective, to strengthen new believers into powerful disciples of Jesus, who understand from the very beginning who they are in Christ and how to live victoriously in Him.
During his own pastoring and discipling of new believers, Howard was aware of a shortage of material that adequately dealt with this and began writing material to use in his church. This material has now been proven over many years in establishing new Christians, it has been improved and refined over the years to provide this powerfully succinct book you have today.
Ideal for:-
Churches new Christian classes,
One on one discipleship,
Individual studies for new Christians
Refreshing those older in the faith in their reason for believing.
What some of the many Christian leaders around the world have said about "The Foundations."
This is the prayer of thousands of servants of God who are in the discipling ministry. We look for a book to place in the hands of a new convert that will tell him, 'What to do now?' Now here is the prayer answered. I hope and trust that the soul winners will use this. We would like to see this book in the Indian languages.
Dr. P.G. Vargis
Founder/President, Indian Evangelical Team
New Delhi, India
“The Foundation” by Howard Sands is one of the best concise training tools for new believers I have ever seen. First the teaching is Biblical and supportive of Evangelical-Full Gospel teaching in its teaching on important doctrines, such as repentance, baptism by immersion and the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. Secondly, the various questions with the correlating Bible verses in the reviews will help the new believer to really understand and experience these important foundational truths.
Pastor Dennis Balcombe
Senior Pastor, Revival Christian Church
Founder and Director, Revival Chinese Ministries International
Hong Kong
An excellent and useful tool to help new Christians.
Rev Dr Ken Chant,
Founder, Vision International College
Sydney, Australia
This easy to read and teach foundation series is a must for local churches and ministries. This foundation series reflects the extensive ministry and missionary experience of Howard and Joy Sands.
Apostle Leslie Munsamy
Founder/ President, Global Apostolic Centre
Chairman, Apostolic Fellowship of South Africa
Durban, South Africa
This short book tells it 'as it is'. It is hard hitting and easy to read and it is designed to develop a deep hunger for God in the new disciple and an enthusiasm to fulfil the great commission. It is also scripturally sound and uncompromising in its challenge.
Howard Barnes (Servant Apostle)
Co-founder and Co-director of The Call2Come
Truro, UK
I think you have produced a very helpful resource here. It is simple yet comprehensive and tackles each basic discipleship area with wisdom yet simplicity. I think the questions are very helpful indeed.
Pastor Brian Medway
Senior Pastor, Grace Christian Fellowship
Chairman, Crosslink Christian Network.
Canberra, Australia
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Forward by Rev Dr Charles Finny Joseph
President - Maranatha Ministries
My brother, Howard Sands has made a mark in my life and among the pastors of Maranatha Ministry. He has opened his heart in Making your Mark and made me realise how much I need to work in my leadership to Disciple and to give Foundation truth to be a leader among the leaders. Reading the book led me to pray like Dawson Trotman, 'Oh Lord, help me to build men, strong, holy, prepared men to go to the four corners of the world who will make their mark in the lives of people'.
Rev Dr Charles Finny Joseph
President, Maranatha Ministry, Chennai, India.
General Secretary, Synod of Pentecost Churches.
BIOGRAPHY I am the founder and international director at Beautiful Feet Task Force.
We specialise in showing ministers how to transform their churches to radically change their communities into places where people want to live and positively influence the world.
Our philosophy is simple, we believe the church mem... bers should be seen as the church in the community.
What makes us unique is that we show leaders how to build maturity in the church, unity between churches and create confidence in their members to influence their world.
Our specialised online Africa Network BFTF of over 4,000 member ministers in 95 countries is constantly growing, it is open to Christian leaders interested in the gospel in Africa, membership is free and can be obtained here
We have spoken on stages in 26 countries to crowds up to 50,000.
What are you doing to transform your community?
Preparing the Whole Man, To Take the Whole Gospel, To The Whole World
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