Cat Nip (Jinx Book 1)
by Gem SivadPublish: Aug 13, 2014Series: JinxParanormal Romance Fantasy Book Overview
Having discovered that survival for a witch in the Old West often requires speedy departures, Maggie Jenks keeps her horse and buggy close by.
She's a natural healer--curing the ill, fixing the wounded, and restoring the injured to health. Unfortuantely,among those touched by magic, fear often replaces gratitude. More often than not, avoiding pitchforks and threats, Maggie stealthily leaves the folks she's helped.
It's forbidden to profit from her gift of healing, so earning enough to live is hard. She's doing her best to avoid evil, but dark magic is everywhere and unlike Maggie, those who use it, seem to eat well and sleep in comfort.
Determined to become more than a starving vessel of unfulfilled potential, in-between healings, Maggie practices the craft she'd like to master, producing erratic spells and potions yielding unintended consequences.
Survival and avoiding temptation gets trickier when a shape-changing predator watches her days, stalks her nights, and takes over her dreams.