by JZAVORIS LUCIANOPublish: Jun 14, 2019New Adult Romance Book Overview
"Revenge is a dish...best served cold." Wow...nothing could be further from the truth! This is a harrowing tale of love; lust; conflict; intellectual and emotional resentment, and of course revenge. That said---justice is never revenge. Stella-Ann in no way was confused about that. Justice cut deeper; it ran further, stretching its hand like a priest over every service of human response and more. Justice was payback and restitution, sort of an all in one package deal. Stella-Ann would often sigh quietly to herself, but this is just what was needed; justice. There would be enough time at the table to unleash her wrath and, as with any dish of revenge, she knew it would have to be served up ice cold! The platter of justice itself was cold, she could feel the frozen stream rise to her nostrils, vertex source. It was with this thought that she devised one of her most diabolical plans of vengeance…ever! The love and lust portion would simply serve as a side-bar for her. Stella-Ann could be coldblooded when needed. She had lessons to teach two young wannabe savages. They messed with the wrong Old School Diva! Malicia and Julia would never know what hit them once Stella set her plan of action into a fully operational mode (total offensive tactic). No longer would Stella-Ann operate from a position of weakness emotionally, mentally, but most of all psychologically. Damn! My girl was in full battle mode. That said, there was nothing left for my Battle Buddy to do but initiate that old military “P.I.E.” initiative (Plan, Implement, and Execute) …and by the numbers, for course.