Cacophony of my Soul: When Love becomes Poetry
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Cacophony of my Soul: When Love becomes Poetry

by Tatjana OstojicPoetry
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standalone complete series

Poetry General Nonfiction

Tatjana Ostojic is a philosopher and linguist by education, who dedicated her career life to the teaching and research of Ethics of Religion and ethical communication in personal relationships. She is passionately yearning to answer questions about the matters of human emotions and sexuality. Her views are clearly and concisely stated, strongly motivating her readers to admit and express their unfathomable sentiments without fear.

Tatjana is writing her books trying to help a wider audience understand the complicated world of our feelings. Also, she has successfully roamed through the fields of poetry that has been her passion since earliest childhood.

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Book Detail
Title Cacophony of my Soul: When Love becomes Poetry
Author Tatjana Ostojic
ASIN 1549919644
Page Count 89