Spiritual Ninja: A Guidebook for Energetic Self-Defense, Protection, and Connection in the Modern World
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Spiritual Ninja: A Guidebook for Energetic Self-Defense, Protection, and Connection in the Modern World

by Janelle ChristaPublish: Apr 12, 2020
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General Nonfiction

Janelle Christa is a Holywood coach, actress, producer, and screenwriter and creator of “conscious entertainment”. Having come from a history of affairs, divorce, and family dysfunction as well as a bi-polar diagnosis, she strongly believes that happiness is a choice. Janelle’s level of expertise sees her coaching celebrity clients and people from all walks of life seeking to bring fulfillment into their lives. Janelle is also a founder of conscious production company Le Murian Dreams.

Book Detail
Title Spiritual Ninja: A Guidebook for Energetic Self-Defense, Protection, and Connection in the Modern World
Author Janelle Christa
Publish Date 12, Apr 2020
Language English
Page Count 100