JUST LIKE THAT (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 1)
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JUST LIKE THAT (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 1)

by Sandra WellsPublish: Jul 17, 2020Series: New Hampshire Crime SeriesCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure Women's Fiction
    • Sandra Wells Sandra Wells 4 years ago
    • That Thursday evening I cleared the two top steps and hit the ground running. Detective Carver was pulling ahead and not looking back. I would say that it was like demons were after us but that would be putting it mildly. Just as I reached the SUV there was an explosion. The front windows of the house blew out and flames leapt high into the night sky. We were both knocked to the ground, and to add injury to insult, a brick rocketed down and whacked me in the back of the head. I saw stars. Good grief. I knew that if I hurt though that I was still alive.
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New Hampshire Crime Series complete series

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JUST LIKE THAT (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 1)
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JUST LIKE THAT (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 1)by Sandra WellsPublish: Jul 17, 2020Series: New Hampshire Crime SeriesCrime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure Women's Fiction more»
Fatal Prediction
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Before Dawn
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Sandra Wells
United States4 Books
Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Mystery Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Women's Fiction Humor Horror more»

I was born in Bordeaux, France to a military family. I spent the first years of my life in Spain, in the Pyrenees mountains, in a little town named Fuenterrabia. We moved to California then to Weaverville, North Carolina.
I have traveled a lot in my life and believe that my experiences, and the people that i have met, have made me the person that I am today.
My New Hampshire Crime Series books are a real toe curling good time. Murder, mayhem and cops gone wild. Try your hand at solving the cases. Who will survive?
While living in New Hampshire, for four years, I fell in love with the area. That's why I decided to have my crime series stories take place there.
I have been to Ocracoke Island many times and love the area so I couldn't resist writing a book that takes place there.
Blackbeard Returns to Ocracoke Island! Bailee buys a quaint little bar but there's one thing wrong...the ghost of Blackbeard has decided to call it home.
One Cent at a Time is about two desperate women in rural Tennessee who try their hand at kidnappin! That's when things go horribly wrong. Hilarious comedy!
I currently live near Rogersville, Tennessee and absolutely love the area.
I hope that you enjoy reading my books. I enjoy writing them. Please be kind and leave me a review.



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Book Detail
Title JUST LIKE THAT (New Hampshire Crime Series Book 1)
Series New Hampshire Crime Series
Author Sandra Wells
Publish Date 17, Jul 2020
Publisher Self Published
Language English
Page Count 238