Eclipsing the Darkness
by Shawn E. CrapoSeries: The Dragon ChroniclesFantasy Book Overview
The armies of the world have gathered to prepare for the final assault on the Lifegiver's dark domain. Their only hope of victory lies in the Dragon, who now approaches the center of the Earth to sever the Lifegiver's hold on the Great Mother.
Across the sea, Khalid and the druids prepare to defend Tel Drakkar against the remaining Enkhatar, who have now gathered on the southern shore with dark forces of their own. Assisted by the rangers, and a detatchment of Alvar, their final stand will decide the fate of Eirenoch, and all who reside upon it.
Garret continues to pursue the demon Akharu across the realms, dedicated to destroying him and protecting the Onyx Dragon; who is now the dark assassin's final target.
This final chapter of the Dragon Chronicles brings new and powerful allies, startling revelations, and the ultimate battle of light and darkness.