Ordinary People Extraordinary Planet
by Shellie HipskyPublish: Aug 16, 2011General Nonfiction Book Overview
Based on interviews collected from Ray Leonard's radio show, listened to in 75 countries, Ordinary People Extraordinary Planet includes incredible stories of a dozen people's triumphs over adversity. Meet Mary K. Hoodhood who provides dinners for over 3,800 hungry children in Michigan daily; a quadriplegic, she coordinates it all from her wheelchair. Arturo Sandoval, the Grammy/Emmy Award-winning trumpet player, escaped persecution in Communist Cuba to live his dream. Clarel Radicella, who pushed past her pain for years to inspire and connect people, shares her final three letters to her children. Through his "Homeless by Choice Tour" Roy Juarez, Jr., has talked to over 100,000 students about his experience being homeless at 14 years old with his siblings. Share adventures from a teenager who has built four libraries in Tanzania to a mechanic's bold expedition in the North Pole. The people in this book will uplift and inspire you! Dr. Shellie Hipsky is an associate professor at Robert Morris University, author of five books, and a respected public speaker. She educates, entertains, and inspires globally.
Each chapter provides contact information for charitable organizations that spotlighted people support with their time and energy. OPEP will be giving back 25% of net profits at benchmarks to the featured charities. Who are these dozen amazing people and their charities?
Roy Juarez Jr. - Motivational Speaker with his "Homeless By Choice Tour" reflects on being homeless at 14-years-old; has spoken to over 100,00 around the country and was featured on CNN
CHARITY: Homeless By Choice Tour homelessbychoice.com
Russell Hayes - Founder of International Dwarf Advocacy Association (a non-profit organization); this American solider helped sponsor an Iraq family in need
CHARITIES: Little People of America LPAonline.org and dwarfchildren.org
Arturo Sandoval - World Class Musician who escaped from Communist Cuba
is the winner of four Grammys, six Billboard Music Awards and two Emmys
CHARITY: St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital stjude.org
Xiaobo LaPresta - Widow after 22 years; Love story of happiness, loss, and healing
CHARITY: One Foundation (Affiliated with Jet Li and Jacki Chan)
Bryan Mark Rigg - Author and motivational speaker who was once considered "...brain damaged"; Yale University awarded him the Henry Fellowship for graduate study at Cambridge University
CHARITY: Starpoint School coe.tcu.edu/starpoint.asp
Tasha Eichenseher - Environment Editor and Producer at National Geographic
CHARITY: National Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) neefusa.org
Clarel Radicella- Single mother of three who had a brain aneurysm and stomach cancer and went on to start her company Mind Your Business for those who have or support people with disabilities
CHARITY: Mind Your Business mindyourbiz.com
Sandie Andersen - Barista at Starbucks who donated a kidney to a customer/stranger
CHARITY: Donate Life donatelife.org
Shannon McNamara - 18-year-old Founder of SHARE in Africa a non-profit organization that built 4 libraries in Tanzania
CHARITY: SHARE Shannon's Afterschool Reading Program shareinafrica.org
Qun Queeney Tang- Former Cardiologist experienced "sub-health stress", came to America, and now leads a team of 3,000 people for USANA
CHARITY: Children's Hunger Fund
Randy Swanson - Adventurer who walked 200 miles to the North Pole in 16 days
CHARITY: Gilda's Club gildasclub.org
Mary Kay Hoodhood - Founder of Kids Food Basket a non-profit organization and recipient of Presidential Citizens Medals 2010; a quadriplegic whose organization feed 3,800 children daily
CHARITY: Kid's Food Basket kidsfoodbasket.org