Disturbing Peace
by Nicolle CaputaPublish: Jun 15, 2020Series: Disturbing PeaceAction & Adventure Book Overview
In the time of 2080, a time of peace that has become dangerous, The Leaders push to ensure the ultimate safety of society. But this safety and evaluation of what they call mental disturbance has gone too far, leaving everyone in a state of anything but peaceful. They monitor the state of people’s minds in what they believe will ultimately lead to an unfit society. And the ultimate decision will almost certainly be expulsion.
Poppy Rivers, a young girl in a mental and physical world of mess, now has to figure out how to deal with a grieving heart as well as the MDA which sees her violent thoughts as dangerous.She has always been strong-headed with a quick mouth, not sure how to succumb her thoughts in such a restricting environment. She feels as though she must take on strong responsibility to ensure her family is safe. This is the way of life. And Poppy believes this aggressive world is no well-way of living.