Bentley's ABC Empower Me: Be Anything You Want to Be
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Bentley's ABC Empower Me: Be Anything You Want to Be

by Argyro GraphyPublish: Jun 23, 2022Series: Inspiring ChildrenChildren's

Book Overview

(2nd edition)
A is not for the apple in this book!! What do you want to be when you grow up? an astronaut high up in the sky? or maybe a baker who makes a tasty pie? What better way to learn your ABCs than with the most adorable hippo around. Bentley is heading to outer space, upside down, and turned around, he will put... giggles in your belly and smiles on your face. Learn with Bentley as he teaches the alphabet in rhyme in his own unique way.

A Special Note & Blessing: The illustrations in this book were colored by Joey (12 yr old with autism) and Sammy (10 yr old that is hearing impaired)
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Inspiring Children complete series


A proud Canadian and the mastermind behind the Bentley Hippo Series, Award-winning author Argyro Graphy, is acclaimed globally for her thought-provoking books for children. The author remains at the forefront to promote the worth of positive aptitudes among children of all ages, all while instilling the love for read... ing.

“Teaching kids the significance of inclusivity and diversity right from the start can make them caring individuals towards others. With the Inspiring Children Series, Bentley promotes humbleness among children with an aim to make it second nature, from a young age,” says Graphy.

The author’s passion for reading and her flair for writing breathes life into Bentley, creating phenomenal tales designed on the principles of ethical teachings. Each story focuses on engraving the worth of positive values, on the tender hearts of children. With a diverse group of characters facing their own struggles her goal is to teach children that despite challenges, we are all valuable, we all matter and we must all accept and respect each other.

The characters in her books are visually impaired, as is she, have diabetes, kidney issues, autism, ADHD, as well as alopecia. Her hope is to normalize the characters in the eyes of children so that they can grow up to be more accepting towards people who face these difficulties every day. She encourages children to embrace their differences, to celebrate their abilities and not focus on their disabilities, recognize opportunities to spread kindness while fostering a healthy mindset

Serving as the positive role model worldwide, Graphy’s most lovable character Bentley the Hippo has been welcomed into schools, libraries, homes, and hearts of children around the globe.
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Book Detail
Title Bentley's ABC Empower Me: Be Anything You Want to Be
Series Inspiring Children
Author Argyro Graphy
Publish Date 23, Jun 2022
Publisher BHEC Publishing
Page Count 34