Prosperity Consciousness: Stress Free Wealth Creation
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Prosperity Consciousness: Stress Free Wealth Creation

by Christine Sherborne

Book Overview

This hypnosis will work for you!

Law of attraction books contain lots of useful information, but often it is difficult to implement because your subconscious mind resists the changes your conscious mind is trying to make. Even though you use affirmations, vision boards, and visualization as you're saying the words or ... imagining the life you want, behind those activities your feelings are telling you it can't be done. Of course feelings and emotions are the keys to attracting abundance, and you hit a barrier each time because you can't deny your underlying beliefs. Everything is energy, and until you give off the highest vibrations, you will continue to attract lower energies.

Many listeners have benefited from my audio, Activating the Law of Attraction, written over 10 years ago. This best-selling audio worked because I used the power of hypnosis. Through hypnosis you receive suggestions straight into your subconscious, bypassing your conscious mind. The substance and energy of wealth and abundance are created by your mind, not by your job or other means of making a living. Prosperity is freely given by the creator of the universe when your subconscious mind agrees to accept the gifts. Align your spiritual vibration to the highest level, and open your ability to receive the good that is already yours, waiting for you.

During this hypnosis you will meet your spirit guide, who will direct you through the complicated maze that leads to your prosperity. Suggestions are given that will be remembered subconsciously throughout your day, ensuring you remain on track. Over time you will draw to you all you desire, without conscious effort. People will appear in your life at exactly the right times, doors will open, and unexpected gifts and financial windfalls will arrive.

The theta music played alongside the positive suggestions will keep your mind open and receptive. Using this hypnosis is the easiest way to program your subconscious mind to attract abundance. Why not give this method a try? You will be glad you did.

Listen to this hypnosis nightly for at least one month and then twice a week. At least once or twice a week, listen during the day - early morning is ideal. A suggestion is given at the end to either awaken you or for you to ignore the awakening suggestions. If it your normal sleep time, you continue to experience a comfortable night's sleep and will awaken refreshed and ready to start your day. If you listen during the day, the suggestions will enable you to wake refreshed and relaxed.
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Author of Colourstory Publishing books and audios.
My name is Chris Sherborne and after raising three lively boys in the UK, our family moved New Zealand, and now live on the beautiful Gold Coast of Australia. I’ve been writing self-help, mind, body, and spiritual audios for the last ten years.

I’m the ... author of the Quantum Factor Life Enhancement Series, and Law of Attraction Series. You can find my Life Mastery Apps on iTunes. I’ve also written the Imogene Supernatural Thriller Series, and I’m now working on Unseen Helpers from Invisible Realms. read more

Book Detail
Title Prosperity Consciousness: Stress Free Wealth Creation
Author Christine Sherborne
Book Video