The Emptiness of Buddha: Buddha mixed up the Unmixable and created Buddhism out of Nothing
by Senad DizdarevićPublish: May 11, 2020Religion & Spirituality Book Overview
Buddhism is based on the ignorance and misunderstanding of basic facts of Existence. Buddha claimed that the World is coming from consciousness or the Big Mind or the Emptiness. He mixed Awareness and Energy and thought that Energy is coming out from Awareness which is impossible. Awareness is just a state, while Energy is material. Awareness and Energy don’t mix as they are not water and oil:)
Buddha said in his ignorance and misunderstanding of the Existence, which was never created and will be never destroyed, and in which Everything is happening simultaneously at the same time, that we are not real beings, and that the World is just an illusion too. That is not true. We are Real Beings of Pure Awareness, Love, and Wisdom.
Buddhism is just another religion with the “Sacred Story” or Big Myth in which the follower must believe pretending that it is true without any pieces of evidence. Religion myths are not Reality. I will present you simple exercise so you will have a chance to check my statements and realize that Buddhism is just another false religion.
Buddhism will completely disappear in the near future, same as all other religions who are just machines of the Karmic organization for enstupidment of the people. The only things that will remain of Buddhism will be peacefulness, kindness, and friendliness, for which you don’t need to be Buddhist to live them.
In the comparison between Buddhism and my model of awakening, you will realize the truth about the Existence which will help you to start awakening and truly personally evolving.