Homo tempus: What's left of the future?
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Homo tempus: What's left of the future?

by F.E. JacobPublish: Sep 08, 2020Time Travel Romance Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Science Fiction
    • F.E. Jacob F.E. Jacob 4 years ago
    • When asked if he had the opportunity to travel back in time, Carl Sagan has said he would visit the legendary library of Alexandria, 2,000 years ago. There, he would encounter all the accumulated knowledge of the ancient world, now lost forever. He chose the Alexandria library because he would be able to read its scrolls and fill many historical gaps about human civilization, solving several mysteries of the past and contributing to understanding conflicts of our time.

      Allyson Moutri, PhD. answered : I would prefer to go back 40,000 and meet our extinct human ancestral. Just over 150 years ago, the first fossils of our closest relative, the Neanderthals, were discovered in Germany. From analyzing these bones and comparing them to ours, we could make an accurate depiction of what the Neanderthal might look like, when their lineage split from our own, and when they went extinct - about 30,000 years ago. They were stronger than us, lived in small societies, have some kind of culture and empathy for their loved ones. Their brains were about the same volume as modern human brains. But the fossils cannot tell what was on their minds or how was their personalities.

      And you what time you prefer visit if you had the opportunity to travel back in time ?
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Literary Fiction Science Fiction

F.E. Jacob was born in the “prehistoric” year of 1978, is a Production Engineer and holds a Master’s degree in Economic Policy. He’s been reading as much as a Neanderthal ate, ever since he was a child and would devour any book, article or comic book that passed under his nose and became an adult that is focused on the issues present in today’s society. He considers himself to be a “generic nerd” that is addicted to information, constantly reading everything about ancient societies, economics, physics, political science, psychology, biology and any other area of human knowledge.He estimates that 3.22% of his DNA is of Neanderthal origin, which may explain his great appetite for knowledge. One day when he woke up he realized that the only activity that will make it possible for him to use his knowledge about different subjects would be literature, which has always been by his side, in the form of a patient and silent companion that was awaiting his decision to take on the challenge of writing professionally. And so, he now makes his debut in the literary universe with Homo tempus. F.E.Jacob is member 032 of AILb (International Academy of Brazilian Literature )

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Book Detail
Title Homo tempus: What's left of the future?
Author F.E. Jacob
Publish Date 08, Sep 2020
Language English
Page Count 271