Beginning Of The End
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Beginning Of The End

by Dylan WatsonPublish: Oct 21, 2020
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Dylan Watson
United States4 Books
Historical Fiction Literary Fiction African American Interest Teen & Young Adult Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Parenting Business more»

Hello, my name is Dylan Watson. I started writing to better and change this world. I know what you're probably thinking, that this is another book or person pushing and screaming about change. Which is completely wrong. I am an individual that sees a vision of a better future than one that we are currently working toward. I'm also tired of hearing about change and all the horrible things that are happening in this world. But one thing that is different between you and I is that I can't avoid the situation without trying to fix it. I can't continue to live knowing that our world is crumbling and dying because of our actions. I refuse to sit around minding my own business while my brothers and sisters are being hunted and not receiving the equal treatment like we deserve. I know I cannot change the world just by writing books and I'm not trying to, but these books will open so many eyes and then we can change this world together, as a team

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Book Detail
Title Beginning Of The End
Author Dylan Watson
Publish Date 21, Oct 2020
Language English
Page Count 53